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Ground Beef Recalled Due to E. coli

来源:WebMD Medical News

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Sept. 26, 2007 -- Topps Meat Co. has recalled more than 331,000 pounds of its?frozen ground beef patties because of?possible contamination with E. coli bacteria.?

According to news reports, the CDC?says that two people in New York and one in Florida have been confirmed to have fallen ill due to E. coli bacteria in Topps' tainted ground beef, and 18 other possible cases are still under investigation.

E. coli bacteria can cause abdominal cramps and diarrhea (which may be bloody).Most people recover from E. coli infection within a week and without treatment, but potentially deadly complications may develop in some people. The young, old, and ill are particularly at risk.

(With so many recalls lately, have you stopped eating certain types of foods? Tell us about your fears on WebMD's Health Café message board.)

作者: Miranda Hitti 2007-9-29
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