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Breastfeeding Doesn‘t Make Breasts Sag

来源:WebMD Medical News

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Oct. 29, 2007 -- Breastfeeding doesn't increase breast sagging, a new study shows.

"Expectant mothers should be reassured that breastfeeding does not appear to have an adverse effect upon breast appearance," report University of Kentucky plastic surgeon Brian Rinker, MD, and colleagues.

They interviewed 132 women who came to their plastic surgery clinic to get breast augmentation or a surgical lift for sagging breasts.

The women were 39 years old, on average. The majority -- 93 patients -- had had at least one pregnancy. Most of the moms -- 58% -- had breastfed at least one child.

Rinker's team noted the women's medical history, BMI (body mass index), pre-pregnancy bra cup size, smoking status, and other factors.

The bottom line: "Breastfeeding does not adversely affect breast shape, beyond the effects of pregnancy alone," conclude Rinker and colleagues

However, four other factors were linked to breast sagging:

Age and cigarette smoking both hamper skin's elasticity, note the researchers.

Their findings were presented at Plastic Surgery 2007, a conference held by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

(Do your breasts sag? Do you think breastfeeding your child had anything to do with it? Share your thoughts on WebMD's Women’s Health Friends Talking board.)

作者: Miranda Hitti
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