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Vermont Claims ‘Healthiest State‘

来源:WebMD Medical News

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Nov. 5, 2007 -- Vermont has moved into the No. 1 position as the nationa??s healthiest state, according to an annual 50-state survey released Monday.

Vermont eclipsed Minnesota in 2007 as the nationa??s overall healthiest state. But the nationa??s overall health picture got slightly worse from last year to this year.

"We are displeased and unhappy to have to report that this year the health of the nation is less good than it was last year. In fact, the health of the nation has slipped by about three tenths of a percent," says Reed Tuckson, MD, senior vice president of the United Health Foundation, which has issued the survey for the last 18 years.

The studya??s overall national scores have stagnated or declined since 2000. Authors attribute the drop to rising obesity, now affecting more than 25% of the population.

The survey uses a combined score of health indicators and policy questions to rank all 50 states. Obesity rates, tobacco and alcohol use, and high school graduation rates are accounted for, as are state laws and regulations promoting better health. The survey measures access to health services and also environmental issues like pollution, infectious disease rates, and crime.

Vermont Leads

Vermont ranked at the top, thanks to a dropping smoking rate, rising insured rate, and other factors. Eighty-six percent of children 19 months to 35 months old are fully immunized in the state, one of the best coverage rates in the nation.

The state also has low overall violent crime rates and a relatively low prevalence of infectious diseases, according to the report.

Minnesota, Hawaii, New Hampshire, and Connecticut made up the rest of the top five.

At the bottom were Southeastern states including Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee. Mississippi ranked at the bottom, due in large part to high rates of child poverty and higher than average obesity rates.

Ten in 1,000 children born in the state also die before their first birthday.

"That is something that we just should not accept in the United States of America, not in the wealthiest country in the world," says John M. Clyburn, president of the Partnership for Prevention, an umbrella group of health groups and companies.

How the States Ranked

Herea??s how the states ranked in the Americaa??s health rankings report:

  1. Vermont
  2. Minnesota
  3. Hawaii
  4. New Hampshire
  5. Connecticut
  6. Utah
  7. Maine
  8. North Dakota
  9. Massachusetts
  10. Nebraska
  11. Rhode Island
  12. Washington State
  13. Wisconsin
  14. Iowa
  15. Idaho
  16. Colorado
  17. South Dakota
  18. Montana
  19. Wyoming
  20. Oregon
  21. New Jersey
  22. Virginia
  23. Kansas
  24. Pennsylvania
  25. California
  26. New York
  27. Illinois
  28. Maryland
  29. Ohio
  30. Alaska
  31. Michigan
  32. Indiana
  33. Arizona
  34. Delaware
  35. Missouri
  36. North Carolina
  37. Texas
  38. New Mexico
  39. Nevada
  40. Georgia
  41. Florida
  42. South Carolina
  43. Kentucky
  44. West Virginia
  45. Alabama
  46. Tennessee
  47. Oklahoma
  48. Arkansas
  49. Louisiana
  50. Mississippi
作者: Todd Zwillich 2007-11-7
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