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What’s Behind ‘Cloverfield’ Illness?

来源:WebMD Medical News

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Jan. 22, 2008 -- Scan the news and blogs and not only do you see that Cloverfield had a record-breaking opening weekend, but there was an unforeseen side effect: nausea. And it didn't come from the popcorn, or the writing -- but the camerawork.

In Cloverfield, a giant monster attacks Manhattan. The problem -- at least for those prone to motion sickness -- is that it's all filmed through a very jerky handheld camera.

"I saw it this weekend and was so sick to my stomach that I had to leave the theater," says Sara Butler, a WebMD programming manager. "I have a friend who's an EMT in New Jersey, and she was called to several theaters this weekend to deal with people who were sick."

While motion sickness is usually caused by plane, boat, or car movement, bumpy camerawork could definitely do it, too.

(Did Cloverfield make you queasy? What other movies have you seen that affected your senses this way? Talk about it on the Health Cafe board.)

What Causes Motion Sickness?

Motion sickness occurs when the brain receives conflicting messages from the inner ear, the eyes, and other parts of the body.

While watching Cloverfield, viewers were sitting still in their seats, so their inner ear was telling their body they were motionless. But the bumpy camera movements -- and their eyes -- misled them into thinking they were moving around erratically.

These conflicting messages to the brain lead to symptoms of motion sickness, most notably nausea. Other symptoms include vomiting, headache, and sweating.

What Is the Treatment for Motion Sickness?

Obviously, the best treatment is to avoid situations that make you sick. But if that's not possible, there are a few things you can try. Also, if you're prone to motion sickness, remember that prevention is best because once symptoms start, relief is tough to find until motion stops.

Motion Sickness Medications

Medications can be used to suppress the conflicting brain messages. No matter which type of medication you choose, it works best if taken before motion.

Alternative Medicine for Motion Sickness

In one study, 1 to 2 grams of ginger relieved motion sickness in naval cadets. Acupressure has been shown to be effective for motion sickness in some. Though magnets have been touted for relieving motion sickness, there's currently no proof to suggest they're of any benefit.

作者: Michael W. Smith, MD 2008-1-24
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