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1.3 Million Infants Injured Each Year

来源:WebMD Medical News

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May 6, 2008 -- Every 90 seconds, an injured infant enters a U.S. emergency room, the CDC calculates.

Each year an estimated 1.3 million babies sustain nonfatal, accidental injuries serious enough to send them to emergency departments, according to data collected from 2001 through 2004 through a national surveillance system supported by the CDC and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

What's the most common cause of infant injury? Falls, which account for more than half of all seriously injured children. What's most likely to cause a nonfatal infant injury? Beds and cribs.

But these risk factors change dramatically as children become more mobile. Stairs, for example, aren't a major risk to 1-month-olds, but they're the biggest risk to 12-month-olds.

"The study ... demonstrates a shifting trajectory of risk during the first year of life," note CDC researchers Karin A. Mack, PhD, and colleagues.

The most dangerous things for infants change according to the child's age:

The leading causes of infant injury are:

However, some infrequent causes of injury are particularly dangerous:

Parents and caregivers, Mack and colleagues stress, should make infants' environments as safe as possible. But they need to do more.

"When parents are aware of first-year motor milestones and their associated injury risks, they can be better prepared to help predict and prevent their infants from being injured," CDC researcher Julie Gilchrist, MD, says in a news release.

Mack and colleagues report the findings in the May issue of Pediatrics.

(What tumbles have your little ones taken? Share what steps you have taken to keep them safe on WebMD's Parenting: 9-12 Months message board.)

作者: 2008-5-7
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