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Ultrasound Eyebrow Lift Device OK‘d

来源:WebMD Medical News

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Sept. 18, 2009 -- The FDA has cleared a new ultrasound eyebrow lift device, called the Ulthera System, for use by doctors, according to the device's maker.

The noninvasive device, which is the first of its kind, uses ultrasound imaging to target ultrasound energy that enables "significant lifting of the skin," states an Ulthera Inc. news release.

According to the news release, "focused ultrasound energy triggers the body's natural healing response, resulting in new and improved collagen support and gradual firming, tightening, and actual lifting of skin tissue over time."

Clinical studies of the Ulthera System began in 2004 and showed "no serious adverse events and no recuperation time," the news release states.

The Ulthera System will be marketed to dermatologists and plastic surgeons. Ulthera Inc. plans to pursue other cosmetic and medical indications for the technology.

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作者: 2009-9-19