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U.S. Gonorrhea Rate Drops; Chlamydia, Syphilis Up

来源:WebMD Medical News

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Nov. 22, 2010 -- With gonorrhea rates down to an all-time low, chlamydia has become the top reported STD in the U.S., the CDC's annual STD report shows.

About 2.8 million Americans get chlamydia each year, the CDC estimates. That's why the national health agency considers the 19% increase in reported cases since 2006 to be good news: It means more people are getting tested.

Perhaps the really good news in the annual report is that gonorrhea rates dropped to 99 cases per 100,000 Americans -- the lowest rate since the CDC started tracking the disease in 1945.

But syphilis cases continue to spiral upward:

The racial disparity seen with syphilis is also seen with chlamydia and gonorrhea:

"A range of factors contributes to these disparities, including poverty, lack of access to health care, and an already high prevalence of STDs in communities of color that increases a person's risk of infection with each sexual encounter," the CDC notes in a fact sheet accompanying the annual report.

Screening detects STDs before they cause permanent damage to the body -- and prevents further spread of infection. Yet fewer than half of people who should be screened do so. All sexually active people should get regular STD screening.


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