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Some Drinkers Likely to Ignore Caffeinated Alcohol’s Risks

来源:WebMD Medical News

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Nov. 30, 2010 -- Scientists warn that young adults are likely to keep mixing caffeine and alcohol even though a number of caffeinated alcoholic beverages have been withdrawn from the marketplace under federal pressure.

The researchers also say a lot of study still needs to be done on the risks of mixing caffeine and alcohol. According to the CDC, when alcoholic beverages are mixed with energy drinks, the caffeine from the energy drinks can mask the depressant effects of alcohol. Drinkers who mix alcohol with energy drinks are three times more likely to binge drink.

The article is published online today in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, just days after the FDA warned four manufacturers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages on Nov. 17 that their products were unsafe and caused risky behaviors.

FDA Says Progress Made in Removing Caffeinated Alcoholic Drinks

The FDA has said in a more recent statement that “significant progress” has been made since the warnings were issued and that many alcoholic drinks laced with caffeine have been withdrawn. According to the FDA:


The Future of Caffeine and Alcohol

Jonathan Howland, PhD, of the department of community health sciences at Boston University and author of the new report, tells WebMD that young people were mixing caffeine and alcohol before companies began making combo drinks and many will continue to do so, regardless of recent federal actions.

“The paper is saying a couple of things,” Howland tells WebMD. “One is, as long as alcoholic beverages and energy drinks are sold, people will put them together.”

?Also, “we are saying that there are a lot of hypotheses about the effects of mixing caffeine and alcohol, and we need to do more research to find out what these effects are, and who the people are who are more apt to mix the two substances.”

Energy Drinks an Early Culprit

“We don’t really know whether the caffeinated alcohol beverages are making you engage in risky behaviors or because risk-taking people go after these beverages, and we need to find out,” Howland tells WebMD. “These and other questions need to be rigorously studied.”

He says recent warnings by FDA and removal of products may “make some people think” before mixing caffeine and alcohol, but “I kind of doubt it and think the mixing is going to continue.”

作者: 2010-12-1
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