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Caregivers Cope After Patients Die


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May 5, 2006 -- Caring for a loved one with dementiadementia may become increasingly difficult as death nears, but a new study shows caregivers make a "remarkable recovery" after a family member's death.

Researchers say little is known about the end-of-life experience of family members who care for a loved one with dementia at home. But the study suggests that although caregiver depressiondepression may rise as the patient nears death, most caregivers return to normal functioning within six months after their loved one's death.

Results of the study were presented this week at the American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting in Chicago.

End-of-Life Care

Researchers studied 1,222 dementia caregivers and their patients over 18 months. During the study, 217 of the dementia patients died.

In looking at the dementia patients' status before death, the study showed:

In comparing caregiver well-being before and after the death of their loved one, researchers found:

SOURCES: Schulz, R. "End of Life Dementia Caregiving," presented at the American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting, May 3-7, 2006, Chicago. News release, University of Pittsburgh.

作者: JenniferWarren,MD 2006-7-4
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