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Immunizations, Vaccines & Booster Shots: Which Do Adults Need?


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Keeping up-to-date with your immunizations can be difficult. From when you had your last tetanustetanus booster to whether you should get the fluflu vaccine, it's easy to lose track of which vaccinations you've had and which you need.

But you should keep tabs on your immunization history. Better to do it now than wait until after you step on that rusty nail or find yourself with adult chickenpoxchickenpox.

Following is a rundown of all the vaccinations and booster shots adults need or should have already had.

Adult Vaccinations You Need

All adults should have already received the following vaccinations:

If you have any doubt that you've received these vaccines, talk to your doctor, who may recommend that you get them.

Booster Shots Adults Should Have

The vaccinations above aren't enough. You'll also need some booster shots, along with other vaccines as you get older.

All adults need:

All adults 50 and older need (and any adult should consider getting):

All adults 65 and older need:

Other Immunizations You May Want

Some adults with certain medical conditions, jobs, or lifestyles may need to receive vaccines earlier than the age listed above or receive additional vaccines, including:

Travelers to some parts of the world or people with professions that bring them into contact with animals might need yet further vaccines. Be sure to ask your health care provider about which immunizations you need.

Published June 6, 2006.

SOURCES: Centers for Disease Control, National Immunization Program web site, "Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) Vaccination: What you need to know," "Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule, by Vaccine and Age Group, United States October 2005-September 2006."

作者: R. MorganGriffin 2006-7-4
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