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The Truth About Sexual Positions and Getting Pregnant


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Myths abound when it comes to sex, sexual positions, and conception, says Donnica Moore, MD, a women's health expert based in Far Hills, N.J.

"One common misconception is that it's best to have all sex all the time because the greater the number episodes of intercourse, the greater the chance of conception," she says. But that's not true. "When trying to conceive, it's better to have sex every other day around ovulation to give the guy a chance to recharge his sperm count," she says.

While there are no scientific studies regarding the best sexual positions for baby-making, the missionary (man on top) position is typically considered optimal for conception, she says.

"Some people suggest that placing a pillow under the hips and keeping legs raised after sex may enhance the sperms' ability to swim upstream," she adds.

You can, of course, get pregnant having intercourse in almost any position, but there are certain gravity-defying positions such as sitting, standing, or woman on top that may discourage sperm from traveling upstream.

"Also don't do stupid things like douche after you have sex if you are trying to conceive," says Moore. Douching alters the pH balance of the vagina and sperm needs the alkaline-acid levels to be more or less balanced in order to live. In addition, if you douche, you're flushing cervical fluid out and this fluid gives sperm an easier and quicker path to the uterus and beyond.

"There is also a myth that says if you have an orgasm, you are more likely to have a male," she says. "Who knows if that is true, but if you have an orgasm you are more likely to have fun," Moore says. And "when people are trying to get pregnant, it can take the fun and spontaneity out of sex."

Published July 25, 2005.

SOURCE: Donnica Moore, MD, women's health expert based in Far Hills, N.J.

作者: DeniseMann 2006-6-27
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