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Back-to-School Prep for Child Asthma


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Aug. 22, 2006 -- Parents of children with asthma have some homework to do to prepare for their child's at-school asthma care.

That's the key finding of an online survey, done by Harris Interactive in late June for the American Lung Association.

The survey included 2,010 parents aged 18 and older, 73 of whom have children with asthma.

Nearly three-quarters of parents of children with asthma reported worrying, at least somewhat, that their child's health condition will interfere with his or her ability to fully participate in school and school activities.

But some parents of asthmatic children could be doing more to prevent problems and help school officials prepare for those that come, the survey shows.

Be Prepared

"Being prepared should be on parents' back-to-school list," says Norman Edelman, MD, in an American Lung Association news release. Edelman is the association's chief medical officer.

"Not taking basic steps like having a fast-acting medication available at school in case of an asthma attack or communicating with the school about your child's asthma could be setting the stage for an unmanageable medical crisis at school," Edelman says.

"Parents need to make sure their child's asthma is under control so that it doesn't worsen once they get back to school," he continues.

"Look for signs like coughing at night or not being able to keep up with other kids' physical activity, which may mean their asthma is not under control," Edelman says.

Parents Weigh In

Among parents of children with asthma who took the survey:

It's not clear if those who completed the survey are typical of parents of kids with asthma.

The American Lung Association offers these back-to-school tips to help parents prepare their child:

SOURCES: Harris Interactive survey for the American Lung Association, June 27-29, 2006. News release, American Lung Association.

作者: MirandaHitti 2006-8-23
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