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Centering Yourself for a Healthy Pregnancy


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Centering Yourself for a Healthy Pregnancy

Frustrated by short prenatal visits that leave you with more questions than answers? You might be a candidate for the latest trend in prenatal care. By Colette Bouchez
WebMD Feature Reviewed By Brunilda  Nazario, MD

That said, the preliminary data available right now shows the women in the Centering Pregnancy program are the clear winners -- and so are their babies.

The data from the study show that various aspects of the group model for prenatal care improve and favor treatment with this type of model, says Ickovics.

In a special segment of the program known as centering pregnancy plus, some groups also had meetings on sexually transmitted diseases and birth control, and researchers say the impact here is already obvious.

"We are seeing a reduction in short-term repeat pregnancy and a reduction in STD infection among the highest-risk groups," says Ickovics.

Perhaps most important: Patient satisfaction with centering pregnancy is high.

"In a survey I conducted among my own patients, those in group were ecstatic about this model of care -- in some instances, strong friendships have been forged and the women continue to influence each other's lives in a positive and healthful way," says Bernstein.

More 'Centering' on the Horizon

Indeed, the bonds fostered in these groups are so strong that Rising is now developing "centering parenting," a program that would allow the groups to go forward together into the first year of their baby's lives, with the focus on well-baby and well-mommy care.

Still, even with all the success, Bernstein concedes that it's not the right approach for every pregnant woman.

"Some don't have more than 10 minutes once a month to devote to prenatal care; others are too private for a group situation and just don't feel comfortable," he says. And for these women, he tells WebMD that totally private care should remain an option.

The good news: So far, not a single insurance company has refused payment for Centering Pregnancy, with many now on board supporting and encouraging these programs.

To find a Centering Pregnancy group in your area, visit the web site at Or talk to your health care provider.

Colette Bouchez is the author of Your Perfectly Pampered Pregnancy: Health, Beauty and Lifestyle Advice for the Modern Mother-to-Be.

Published May 9, 2005.

SOURCES: Jeannette Ickovics, PhD, associate professor, Yale School of Public Health, director, social behavioral sciences program, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Sharon Rising, RNM, creator and executive director, Centering Pregnancy, Cheshire, Conn. Peter S. Bernstein, MD, MPH, medical director, obstetrics and gynecology, Comprehensive Family Care Center of Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York; and associate professor, clinical obstetrics & gynecology and women's health, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Urania Magriples, MD, associate professor, obstetrics and gynecology, Yale University School of Medicine. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nov. 2003, vol 102. CDC. WebMD Medical News: "Surprises in New Breastfeeding Guidelines.""Surprises in New Breastfeeding Guidelines."

作者: ColetteBouchez 2006-6-27
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