

Daniel I. Simon, M.D.
Associate Director, Interventional Cardiology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA  USA

ASA Resistance and Clinical Outcomes
ASA Resistance: Key Questions
Does a standardized definition exist?
Are there reliable tests to diagnose this phenomenon?
What are the possible mechanisms and future implications?
Does it have any clinical significance?
How do we manage patients with Aspirin resistance?
Established Platelet Function Tests
Harrison P. Br J Hematology 2000;111:733-744
Newer Platelet Function Tests
(PFA)-100      Whole blood  +              Primary           Limited range-most  pts
     hemostasis            after GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors have
                     (high shear                closure times  >300 sec, so may
                                                                                         adhes/aggreg)    not be able to discern diff. Used        to assay ADP antagonist
Clot Signature        Whole blood          +               Adhesion,             Large instrument for routine use
Analyzer     aggregation             and interpretation of results is
Rapid platelet  Whole blood          +            Aggregation            GP IIb/IIa: baseline sample req. 
function assay              Clinical outcome data (GOLD)
       Aspirin: AA-like agonist
Harrison P. Br J Hematology 2000;111:733-744
Mukherjee D & Moliterno DJ. Clin Pharmacokinet 2000;39(6): 445-458
Flow cytometry     Whole blood         -     Platelet GP,               Flexible & powerful. Requires
     activation markers,      specialized operator. Expensive
     Platelet function
Assay  Substrate      Bedside Principle Comments
Prevalence of ASA Resistance
Gum PA et al. Am J Cardiol 2001;88:230-235
ASA-R: mean aggregation ≥70% with μM 10 ADP &  ≥20% with 0.5 mg/ml AA
325 patients with stable CVD taking ASA 325 mg >7days
Wang JC et al.  Amer J Cardiol 2003;92:1492-4
422 patients presenting to cardiac cath lab on ASA 81-325 mg >7d
Prevalence of Aspirin Resistance
23.4% Aspirin non-responsive
Accumetrics VerifyNow Aspirin
Definition: ARU > 550
Multivariate analysis: history of CAD associated with twice the odds of being ASA non-responder (odds ratio 2.09, 95% CI 1.189-3.411, p=0.009)
No association with gender, DM, smoking, ASA dose

Clinical Studies
ASA Resistance: Long-term Clinical Studies
Stroke1   1500 mg       Plt Reactivity     24 m Stroke/MI/      10-fold lower 
(n=180)       Vascular death   risk in ASA               responders
PVD2           100 mg        Whole blood           18 m    Arterial                87% higher risk (n=100)                            aggregometry                          Occlusion           in ASA-R
CVD/CVA3   100 mg                 PFA-10  >60 m Recurrent CVA/         Recurrent CVA 34%
(n=53) TIA                                                                                 TIA                  ASA-R vs. 0% no
                                                                                                                       recurrent events
Subgroup  75-325 mg       Urinary 11-dehydro  5 yrs      MI/Stroke/     1.8 times 
HOPE4                                       TX B2                        &nb

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