
Antioxidant Vitamins and Health: Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Cataracts, and Aging


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by Claude Fernand Bourgeois, 2003, 306 pages, hardcover, $72. HNB Publishing, New York.

Jane Higdon

Linus Pauling Institute
Oregon State University
571 Weniger Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-6512
E-mail: jane.higdon{at}

This book provides a detailed review of scientific research on the potential for the antioxidant vitamins C and E and ß-carotene to prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and cataracts and to slow the process of aging. The first 3 chapters provide background on the biochemistry of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, endogenous and exogenous antioxidant systems, and potential prooxidant activities of vitamins C and E. A discussion of potential prooxidant effects of ß-carotene is included in a later chapter on antioxidant vitamins and cancer. The most useful chapters in the book are those that review the available research on the effects of antioxidant vitamins and ß-carotene on cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and cataracts. In addition to a short section on the role of reactive oxygen species in causing disease, each chapter includes a detailed review of relevant epidemiologic studies of antioxidant intake and randomized controlled trials of antioxidant supplements. Of particular interest are discussions of the results of the recent SUVIMAX (SUpplementation en VItamines et Mineraux AntioXydants) study, a 9-y randomized controlled trial of antioxidant supplements (20 mg zinc/d, 100 µg selenium/d, 30 mg vitamin E/d, 120 mg vitamin C/d, and 6 mg ß-carotene/d) in 15 000 French men and women.

The chapter on aging and antioxidant vitamins provides extensive discussions of genetic, free radical, and mitochondrial theories of aging but offers little evidence that antioxidant vitamins or ß-carotene increases longevity or slows age-related functional declines. Given the book’s title, the author’s reason for including a chapter on dietary phenols and polyphenols is unclear. In the final chapter, the author offers his conclusions, based on the research presented in the preceding chapters, on the potential for antioxidant vitamins, ß-carotene, and polyphenols to prevent chronic diseases and slow aging.

Missing from the book is an organized discussion of the advantages and shortcomings of available biomarkers of in vivo oxidative damage. Such a discussion would have been invaluable for assessing the significance of those studies that examined the effects of antioxidants on various biomarkers of oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA. The mechanistic discussions in the book focus primarily on the potential for antioxidant vitamins and ß-carotene to prevent oxidative damage to macromolecules; such damage may increase the risk of chronic disease and accelerate aging. Unfortunately, research addressing antioxidant effects on more subtle changes in cellular redox status and cell signaling pathways that affect inflammation, proliferation, and apoptosis is largely omitted.

With respect to the organization of the book, I would have preferred to read the author’s conclusions at the end of each chapter while the details of the research were still fresh in my mind. However, some readers may appreciate having all of the author’s conclusions summarized in one chapter at the end of the book. The book is likely to be of interest to scientists and graduate students conducting or planning research on the effects of antioxidants and oxidative stress on chronic disease risk. Although the author’s conclusions are optimistic regarding the potential health benefits of antioxidants, his recommendations are too vague to be of much help to clinicians.

作者: Jane Higdon
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