
Nutrition in Pediatrics: Basic Science and Clinical Applications,


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edited by W Allan Walker, John B Watkins, and Christopher Duggan, 2003, 1102 pages, hardcover, $189 (includes CD-ROM). BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, Ontario.

William C Heird

Children's Nutrition Research Center
Baylor College of Medicine
1100 Bates Street
Houston, TX 77030-2600
E-mail: wheird{at}

The first edition of Nutrition in Pediatrics: Basic Science and Clinical Applications was published in 1985. Its purpose was to "...offer a comprehensive review of general concepts of nutrition as they pertain to pediatrics as well as relevant information on the nutritional management of specific disease states." A review of this edition was subsequently commissioned, and revisions suggested in this review were incorporated into the 2nd edition. Believing that a comprehensive reference source in pediatric nutrition is essential for the proper care of infants and children, the original editors (W Alan Walker and John B Watkins) and Christopher Duggan commissioned a review of the 2nd edition and, on the basis of this review, made further revisions that resulted in the 3rd edition, which was published in late 2003. This edition, which accurately reflects modern concepts of pediatric nutrition is, by far, the best of the 3.

The third edition, like the 2nd edition, is divided into 5 major parts: "General Concepts," "Physiology and Pathophysiology," "Perinatal Nutrition," "Nutritional Aspects of Specific Disease States," and "Approach to Nutritional Support." It also includes 3 comprehensive appendixes that provide up-to-date information about nutritional assessment and nutritional requirements and a compendium of available enteral products. The text has been expanded by 28%, with an increase from 54 chapters in the 2nd edition to 59 chapters in the latest edition. However, this quantitative overview does not begin to describe the changes that have been made. A few chapters from the 2nd edition were deleted and several have been combined with other chapters (eg, the separate sections on intestinal adaptation and short-bowel syndrome were combined). In addition, several chapters were expanded but are not numbered as new chapters. For example, the previous single chapter on macronutrient requirements was expanded to include a chapter concerning each of the major macronutrients. In total, the third edition contains 9 new chapters and 4 previous chapters that were expanded to what is essentially 10 chapters but not numbered as separate chapters.

The first section, "General Concepts," has 14 chapters compared with 12 in the 2nd edition. This section includes 3 new chapters, 1 on international nutrition, 1 on nutritional epidemiology, and 1 on food safety—all areas that have received increasing emphasis since publication of the 2nd edition in the mid-1990s. In addition, as mentioned above, the previous single chapter on macronutrient requirements was expanded to 3 subchapters, and the previous single chapter on community nutrition was expanded to include separate subchapters on community nutrition in developed as well as in developing countries, which, again, reflects the increasing emphasis on international nutrition, particularly nutrition issues of developing countries.

The second section, "Physiology and Pathophysiology," contains one less chapter than does the 2nd edition, which reflects the combination of previous separate chapters on intestinal adaptation and short-bowel syndrome, which, in turn, is now appropriately included in the fourth section.

The third section, "Perinatal Nutrition," was added to the 2nd edition and was expanded from 9 to 10 chapters. An increased emphasis was placed on maternal nutrition and pregnancy outcome, fetal nutrition and imprinting, and intrauterine development of amino acid metabolism. It also includes chapters that address the feeding of preterm infants, the feeding of term infants, and weaning. In addition, 3 chapters address different aspects of breastfeeding.

The fourth section, "Nutritional Aspects of Specific Disease States," was expanded from 19 to 21 chapters. In addition, the previous single chapter on nutrition and cancer was expanded to 2 chapters: 1 on prevention and 1 on treatment; the previous single chapter on nutrition in adolescence was expanded to 3 chapters, including the chapter, "The Adolescent Athlete: Performance-Enhancing Drugs and Dietary Supplements." This section contains 3 new chapters, 1 on nutrition and developmental disabilities, 1 on the critically ill child, and 1 on general aspects of protein energy and nutrition. Previous separate chapters on cystic fibrosis and pancreatic dysfunction were combined.

The fifth section, "Approach to Nutritional Support," was expanded from 4 to 5 chapters and includes the completely new chapter "Dietary Supplements (Nutraceuticals)." In addition, separate chapters on enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition include discussions of these 2 forms of nutritional support in the home setting as opposed to separate sections on this issue in the previous edition.

In total, the 3rd edition of Nutrition in Pediatrics: Basic Science and Clinical Applications, is an up-to-date, comprehensive textbook of pediatric nutrition. The editors have achieved their stated purpose. As for all multiauthored books, some chapters are outstanding, whereas others are somewhat mediocre. However, this edition contains very few of the latter type. All general pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists will find this textbook a useful resource that addresses virtually all nutritional issues and problems encountered in pediatrics. Pediatric nutritionists will find it equally helpful. This revised version is considerably different from its predecessor. The only drawback is the rather hefty price, which really is not out-of-line for a text book of this quality.

作者: William C Heird
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