
Pocket Guide to Micronutrients in Health and Disease,


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by Michael Zimmermann, 2001, 240 pages, paperback, $29. Thieme, New York.

Donald B McCormick

2245 Deer Ridge Drive
Stone Mountain, GA 30087
E-mail: biocdbm{at}

This book, authored by a medical doctor, is intended as a quick reference for physicians and other health professionals seeking information on vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants and their potential application in prevention and therapy. The aim, as stated in the preface, is to strive for a middle ground between literature deemed to be "skeptical and stubbornly conservative" and writings deemed to be "biased and unsubstantiated." Of course, treatment of known nutrient deficiencies in most persons can be dealt with along conservative lines that are based on generally well-studied cases backed by a scientifically secure literature and summarized in periodically updated publications that provide the US recommended dietary allowances and dietary reference intakes (RDAs and DRIs), the UK reference nutrient intakes (RNIs), and the like. Uncertainty arises from unsubstantiated suggestions for specific amounts of a nutrient to be given as preventive or therapeutic doses for diseases, often age-related diseases such as cancer or atherosclerosis, that are not solely the result of nutrient deficiency. Yet, this problem of not providing experimental bases for doses attends some of the literature underlying the suggestions made in this book.

The divisions of the book seem logical in view of the broad intent, although the title may be a bit misleading. Part I covers not only the conventional micronutrients, namely vitamins and trace elements, but also macronutrients such as calcium and potassium and even amino acids, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. The material presented is concise and reasonably current. Brief information is given on nomenclature (where appropriate); functions; risk of deficiency; signs and symptoms of deficiency; laboratory measurement of status; good dietary sources; recommended dietary intakes (both for prevention of deficiency and for therapeutic use); preferred form, bioavailability, and dosing; and toxicity. Part II provides "supplementation through the life cycle" and addresses synoptically the special needs of pregnancy, lactation, infancy, children and adolescents, and older adulthood. Part III, which is about one-half of the book, attempts to cover suggestions for prevention and therapy of 60 disorders ranging from AIDS to rheumatoid arthritis. An appendix summarizes information on drug-micronutrient and nutrient-nutrient interactions. A useful index concludes the text.

Clearly, the third part of the book dealing with suggested amounts of micronutrients for prevention and therapy of a host of diseases is by and large the less scientifically secure portion of the book. Moreover, as noted by the author at the bottom of page v, "The indications for and dosages of micronutrients recommended in this book conform to practices at the present time. Adult doses are given as a gauge of the maximum dose commonly used, and do not apply to children. Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, but new investigations and experience will alter present practice."

Altogether, this book is a thoughtful compilation of current suggestions for micronutrient intakes in health and disease. If those in the health professions who use this book keep in mind the caveat that "new investigations and experience will alter present practice," it can be a helpful pocket guide.

作者: Donald B McCormick
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