
Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis,


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2nd ed, edited by Peter Burckhardt, Bess Dawson-Hughes, and Robert P Heaney, 2004, 445 pages, hardcover, $99.95. Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington, MA.

Nancy E Lane

Center for Aging
University of California, Davis
Sacramento, CA 95616
E-mail: nelane{at}

This book is a review of the Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of the International Symposia on Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis and includes the previous 3 y of research on nutrition and bone health. This edition reviews topics of high interest to both researchers and clinicians who study and treat persons with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a broad topic, and the editors approached this issue by dividing the book into 10 sections. The answers to frequently asked questions regarding vitamins, minerals, proteins, and bone health are included in these sections. Although the initial sections of the book review the role of calcium and vitamin D in bone health, this edition goes much further and provides primary data on less prevalent minerals and many dietary aspects of bone health.

The first section of the book includes studies on the effects of calcium supplementation on bone growth, the influence of calcium on race and sex, and effects on hip bone structure. These studies are carefully controlled evaluations of the effects of calcium supplements on bone growth. One study used a measurement of hip structural analysis as a surrogate for bone strength assessment, and it is the primary outcome variable in the study.

The second section of the book reviews the importance of the source of calcium and how it affects the gastrointestinal absorption of this nutrient. Most importantly, the authors show convincing data that food is the best source of gastrointestinally absorbed calcium. The role of other vitamins and flavonoids in bone health is also reviewed. Specifically, a thorough review is made of how vitamin K, vitamin A, hesperidin, and vitamin B complexes influence bone health.

Other sections include a thorough review of vitamin D and overall health, including common cancers, type 1 diabetes and heart disease, vitamin D concentrations in the elderly and the optimal amount of vitamin D for bone health, and clinical trials of vitamin D supplementation and adherence to vitamin D replacement.

The last sections of the book cover topical issues in bone health, acid load, and protein intake. The authors of this section thoroughly review the effects of diet acid load and protein loads on bone metabolism and present primary data on these nutritional aspects of bone health when possible.

Overall, this review of the nutritional aspects of osteoporosis is topical and covers important aspects of nutrition and bone health. The breadth of this topic is large, and the editors of this book attempted to provide the most recent information from clinical trials and expert opinions. The last chapter, which addresses the effects of mineral waters on bone metabolism, reminds us all that awareness of good nutrition is the cornerstone of both the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and that any student of nutrition and bone health must continuously evaluate dietary changes within their own culture to keep pace in this field. Students of nutrition and osteoporosis will find this book critical to their study.

作者: Nancy E Lane
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