
Translating Molecular Imaging Research into Radiologic Practice: Summary of the Proceedings of the American College of Radiology Colloquium, April 22–24, 2001


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1 From the Department of Radiology, University of Virginia, PO Box 800170, Charlottesville, VA 22908 (B.J.H.) and the Department of Radiology, Western Pennsylvania Health System, Pittsburgh (H.L.N.). Participants in the colloquium are listed at the end of this article. Received September 19, 2001; accepted September 20.


The American College of Radiology (ACR) convened a "think tank" of experts on aspects of molecular imaging. The purposes of the colloquium were to develop scenarios about how molecular imaging would develop in the future and to make recommendations to the ACR about how to prepare radiologists for this important set of technologies. The ACR provided participants with background materials, as well as a set of possible questions to keep in mind while reading the materials, prior to the meeting. Subjects covered included the science and technology, regulation and diffusion, training and certification, turf and competition, and a survey of current activities in the realm of molecular imaging in which radiologists are involved. This article presents the observations devolving from the colloquium and recommendations to the ACR.


Index terms: Education • Molecular analysis • Radiology and radiologists, research • Radiology and radiologists, socioeconomic issues • Special Reports


Molecular imaging may be defined as the spatially localized remote sensing of molecular and physiologic processes in vivo. An alternative definition might be that molecular imaging is the minimally invasive depiction, characterization, and measurement of biologic processes at the cellular and molecular levels in living organisms. The term molecular imaging implies the convergence into a new imaging paradigm of multiple image-capture modalities (eg, magnetic resonance [MR] imaging, positron emission tomography , optical imaging), biochemistry, and informatics.

Radiologists have been involved in molecular imaging for some time—most notably in their use of such nuclear medicine techniques as the application of iodine 131 to search for recurrent thyroid cancer. However, with the maturation of the field of genomics, including the initial sequencing of the human genome, it is evident that medicine is entering a new era of molecular medicine for which molecular imaging will play a critical role. As researchers develop new chemicals and biologic agents that will act at the molecular level, molecular imaging will (a) be the noninvasive biopsy used to screen for or detect disease at preclinical stages, (b) help stage disease to assess what might be the most appropriate therapy, (c) help guide treatment, and (d) help assess its efficacy. Over time, the expectation is that much of what is today’s imaging will shift toward new imaging techniques that have their foundations in molecular medicine.

Radiologists and other physicians may be only broadly aware of this coming revolution in imaging diagnosis and treatment. Although there have been numerous review articles in the recent radiology literature (14) in which molecular imaging has been addressed, many radiologists have found these difficult to approach, given their emphasis on biochemistry and molecular pathways, and may have failed to grasp their relevance to clinical practices. Indeed, much of the information on which molecular imaging is based is recent enough that it was not available to the majority of radiologists during their formal medical education. As such, many radiologists may view learning the principles of molecular imaging as a formidable enough obstacle that it will hinder adoption of molecular imaging into their practices.

Recognizing that there are elements of molecular imaging that differ from what radiologists have encountered in the past and realizing the importance of molecular imaging to radiologic practice in the future, the American College of Radiology (ACR) invited a group of radiologists to attend a 2-day colloquium on this topic in April 2001. The group constituted acknowledged experts on molecular imaging, the economics and politics of medical practice, and the diffusion of technology, as well as organizational leaders responsible for training and reimbursement in the specialty. Prior to the group’s meeting, the ACR commissioned summary papers on the following topics: (a) the science of molecular imaging, (b) factors influencing the diffusion of new imaging technologies into practice, (c) the impact of turf and competition, (d) training requirements and board certification, and (e) centers involved in molecular imaging training and research. These articles, which would be the basis for individual sessions, were sent to all participants 3 weeks prior to the colloquium. Participants also received a series of questions based on each article that would guide initial discussion at the colloquium.

Each of the five sessions began with a presentation by an author of one of the summary papers. After the presentation, the moderators initially encouraged broad-ranging discussion of the topic based on the previously prepared questions; however, they then encouraged deviation from the "script" to ensure the broadest range of discussion possible. Finally, the group focused their colloquy on specific critical issues and made recommendations to the ACR about what it could do to facilitate the translation of molecular imaging from its current stage of animal research and nascent human investigation into clinical practice.

The purpose of this white paper is to express the richness of the colloquium while organizing the proceedings in a manner that will be approachable to individuals involved in radiologic practice, molecular imaging research, health policy and economics, and regulation and reimbursement, as well as to the general public. By so doing, the authors hope to engage a broad array of interested individuals in the development of this field, to the greater societal benefit.

The remainder of this report is ordered into five sections, four of which represent the topics undertaken by the colloquium. For each of these sections, we will provide a brief overview to orient the reader followed by a set of issues detailing the current situation as it affects molecular imaging. The last section presents the recommendations of the colloquium to the ACR.


Status of the Technology
Research into the potential applications of in vivo organismal molecular imaging currently include (a) imaging of gene delivery and expression, (b) evaluation of cellular processes, (c) development of new imaging techniques, (d) facilitation of new drug development, and (e) design of new methods for therapeutic monitoring. An additional responsibility of molecular imaging researchers is promulgating the value of molecular imaging to those involved in molecular medicine so that there is greater recognition and incorporation of its capabilities. Although there already is some investigation of the potential of molecular imaging in humans, the greater current focus is on animal research, specifically in rodents, for which there are numerous models representative of human disease.

Unlike much of the rest of medical imaging research, research in molecular imaging is primarily driven by biologic questions rather than questions related to technology. The image-capture technologies most frequently used in molecular imaging include PET, MR imaging, and optical imaging, although techniques are currently under development for ultrasonography (US) and x-ray computed tomography (CT). There are trade-offs among the technologies with regard to the specificity of the molecules that can potentially be addressed by the modalities and how sensitive the modalities are to the concentrations of molecules that might be available in living systems. System resolution and depth of visualization are two other important characteristics that vary among the technologies. As a result, depending on the biologic question and organ of interest, any one of these technologies or a combination of technologies may be used.

As critical to the effort as image-capture technology is the development of molecular probes that can be used to interrogate the molecular and physiologic processes of interest. There now exist numerous exemplary systems that represent scenarios on which future developments can be based. Inevitably, however, new paradigms will be developed that will permit a broadened scope for the field.

The development of such systems is the purview of chemists and molecular biologists. It is evident from the foregoing that imaging physicists also are essential to the effort as they work to improve the spatial, temporal, and contrast resolutions of imaging systems. The data generated from molecular imaging are copious, requiring the participation of information scientists to generate new means of viewing the data in a coherent fashion. Thus, more than ever before, radiologists wishing to enter this field of research must be trained and able to work with a host of basic scientists and clinicians.

To date, the majority of the research in molecular imaging has focused on oncologic applications, largely because the National Cancer Institute has been the most active in funding molecular imaging studies. However, there is clearly interest in applying the techniques developed for cancer to elucidating the mechanisms behind neural and cardiac diseases, as well as to myriad diseases of other organ systems. Image-capture research is focusing on the development of small-animal technologies that will advance imaging in rodents as a prelude to the movement to human disease analogs.

Critical Issues for Radiology
1. The influences driving molecular imaging come from the much broader field of molecular medicine.

2. Playing an important role in molecular imaging research is essential to radiologists eventually participating in molecular imaging clinical practice.

3. The role of the radiologist in molecular imaging remains to be defined but likely will evolve over time. In the early stages, radiologists will need to work with other medical specialists and basic scientists to generate hypotheses and integrate people and technologies.

4. Few academic radiology departments are set up to seriously address molecular imaging research. Departments wishing to invest in molecular imaging must hire experts (eg, biochemists and molecular biologists) in areas with which they have generally been unfamiliar in the past and take a more interdisciplinary approach than previously.

5. Success in establishing a molecular imaging research program will require a major initial investment and substantial continuing costs into the indefinite future. To some extent, departments wishing early involvement in molecular imaging can gain entrance at lower cost by focusing on rodent imaging.

6. Institutions most likely to be successful in establishing research programs are ones with a successful history in research and a diverse array of research resources at their institution outside of radiology.

7. Radiologists traditionally have defined themselves by their technology. Molecular imaging requires that they define themselves by biology—and become much more knowledgeable about chemistry and physiology—while still proffering their expertise in imaging as the major attractor they have for their participation.

8. There currently are few radiologists involved in molecular imaging, nor is there currently a defined pipeline for increasing involvement.

9. Molecular medicine and molecular imaging use a language of molecular biology and biochemistry that is unfamiliar to most radiologists.

10. Unlike previous imaging innovations, molecular imaging is not a single technology; rather, it is a combination of diverse technologies.

11. The lengthy term of development and diffusion of molecular imaging requires that radiology take a longer term view than it has with new technology in the past and plan its research investment strategically.


Current Clinical and Research Training
Clinical training requirements are established by the Residency Review Committee for Radiology of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Requirements and testing for certification of training—whether for primary certification of residency training or for a certificate of added qualifications achieved in accredited subspecialty fellowships—is the responsibility of the American Board of Radiology. The same or similar holds true for other specialties. The preliminary work performed prior to the colloquium found that in no specialty, including radiology, is molecular imaging mentioned as part of the training requirements. There is no evidence that any specialty is currently involved in testing knowledge of molecular imaging as part of their certification examinations. At a recent meeting of the Residency Review Committee for Radiology, it was proposed that the training requirements for radiology stated in the Essentials of Accredited Residencies in Graduate Medical Education: Institutional and Program Requirements (the "Green Book"; be changed to include formal training in molecular imaging. This proposal will be taken up at subsequent meetings. The American Board of Nuclear Medicine and the American Board of Radiology are currently discussing a joint program in molecular imaging, which would include fellowship training and subspecialty certification.

Whether training in research is offered as part of residency or fellowship training is the decision of individual radiology training programs. There is enormous variability in this regard across the 193 residency training programs in the United States. The vast majority of programs appear to offer no formal training, nor do they have requirements that trainees participate in research projects during their tenure. Most programs appear to sanction informal arrangements between trainees and staff to facilitate trainees’ participation in mostly clinical research projects. There are sporadic programs that require 1 month or more of resident involvement in planned research projects. A few radiology training programs provide extensive formal research training for as much as 1 year, usually with the trainee returning to clinical training at its conclusion. This is permitted by the American Board of Radiology either as a preapproved clinical and research training regimen known as the Holman Pathway or under American Board of Radiology rules that training eligible for board certification may include as many as 12 months in any area of study (interpreted to include research). Both mechanisms are known to be used in programs nationally.

Formal training programs in molecular imaging are scarce in radiology. The National Cancer Institute has recently funded several centers of excellence in molecular imaging that have a training component. The National Cancer Institute has also funded a larger number of institutions to develop sufficient infrastructure so that they can later compete for molecular imaging requests for applications. A survey of the centers of excellence showed no consistent features among the programs with regard to the sorts of individuals they train or the training regimen.

Critical Issues for Radiology

  1. Although much of the developmental work will be the purview of biochemists, molecular biologists, and physicists, radiologists must be involved in leadership roles to address clinical pertinence.

  2. The specialty has a poor track record, in general, with regard to research training. Except for a few programs nationally, there are insufficient infrastructure, too few qualified mentors, and too little administrative expertise currently to address molecular imaging.

  3. The generally acknowledged "elite" programs in radiology seem disinclined to adopt mandatory 1-year or longer research training requirements into their programs, as other specialties have done.

  4. Institutions wishing to develop molecular imaging research programs must establish formal relationships with basic science departments to encourage a flow of graduate and postdoctoral students into their research programs as a source of interdisciplinary expertise.

  5. Few radiology training programs have applied for research training grants that might be readily available.

  6. There are new sources being established by the National Cancer Institute for funding of research training. Other institutes may soon follow suit. Given its proposed agenda of supporting research training that cuts across disciplines, the National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, or NIBIB, may become an important source of training funds once it is established. If plans to establish an intramural branch of the NIBIB come to fruition, this branch may also serve in this capacity.

  7. As molecular imaging diffuses into clinical practice, radiology will be disadvantaged by the shortage of clinical radiologists, should the current situation persist into the future.

  8. Current training, certification, and practice incentives hinder the recruitment of potentially outstanding trainees into radiology research. Greater flexibility in Residency Review Committee and American Board of Radiology requirements is needed to shorten the career path for would-be scientists.


Considerations of Regulation of Molecular Imaging
As noted in earlier sections, molecular imaging is a collective term for a group of diverse technologies that include image-capture modalities, pharmaceuticals, and biologic agents. Regulation—primarily by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—varies among these different categories of technologies.

To some extent, the image-capture technologies to be used in molecular imaging, such as MR imaging, PET, and US, are likely to be variations on the technologies that exist today. Thus, these technologies most likely will not be subjected to the intense scrutiny of class designation—as was MR imaging in the 1980s—that would require device manufacturers to file for FDA Pre-Market Approval. Still, even the 510K process for class II devices may require rigorous testing and data submission, depending on the extent of innovation and the prospective risk to patients involved.

New drug applications follow a different path through the FDA, a path that tends to be more complex and elongated. Manufacturers must file a New Drug Application. Preliminary studies are performed on animals to study metabolism and toxicity. If the results of these tests are acceptable, the company files for an Investigational New Drug Approval from the FDA for permission to conduct human clinical trials. Classically, new drug testing proceeds in three phases. Phase I tests are studies to determine side effects and toxicity, usually in a small group of healthy volunteers. Phase II tests are, in essence, pilot studies to determine whether the drug has an effect in the population of patients for which it is intended. Given a positive result here, the investigators go on to a phase III trial in a larger population of patients to test broadly for efficacy and morbidity. The entire process can take many years and cost tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars. With biologic agents such as the kind that might be developed as probes for molecular imaging, there is additional emphasis on validating the process by which the substances are derived from living organisms. Recognizing that the time and money required to bring new drugs to market is daunting, particularly if the size of the market is uncertain, the National Cancer Institute recently initiated the Development of Clinical Imaging Drugs and Enhancers, or DCIDE, program. Both independent investigators and corporations can apply to the DCIDE program. Successful applicants can have the National Cancer Institute commission prequalified contractors to perform the research needed to apply for an Investigational New Drug Approval.

In addition, there are specific details related to the regulation of medical imaging agents. Specifically, the FDA Web site ( notes that "the effectiveness of a medical imaging agent will be assessed by evaluating the agent’s ability to provide useful clinical information related to its proposed indication." Since PET imaging agents to be used in molecular imaging will be radioactive, the radiation dose also must conform to the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle.

The other major regulatory element that may affect molecular imaging is a state certificate-of-need statute. Although funding was eliminated for the enabling federal legislation for the state certificate of need during the Reagan administration, many states retained this requirement as a means of regulating the deployment of expensive medical technologies. The certificate of need varies enormously among the states, with many states having "sunset" the statutes, while others still maintain rigorous enforcement.

Prospective View on the Diffusion of Molecular Imaging
In the classical literature on the diffusion of medical technology, it is said that major innovations progressively diffuse from major academic medical centers to university-affiliated hospitals to community hospitals to outpatient centers and office practices and from urban to rural. However, studies of MR imaging showed a very different pattern of diffusion based on the medical economic environment of the times (57). Specifically, along with regulation, competition among providers played a major role in promoting the acquisition of MR imagers among atypical providers who either would ordinarily be expected to acquire technology later in the diffusion process or who had not previously been involved in medical imaging. Early acquirers ignored even the fact that there was no third-party reimbursement in their desire to use MR imaging as a competitive tool, choosing to wait out what they correctly believed would be inevitable decisions to reimburse for the technology.

Although the competitive climate in health care and imaging has progressed since the introduction of MR into the United States in the mid-1980s, there are elements of molecular imaging technology that suggest a more traditional diffusion process will occur. Specifically, the complexity of the technology, the fact that its current applications require so much interdisciplinary collaboration, and the expense of establishing a working molecular imaging center all suggest that molecular imaging will largely remain the purview of major academic institutions for some time. It is likely that at some point in the future, however, there will be commercialization of the technologies and processes. This transition will presumably shift the currently essential "back room" biochemistry operations to companies specializing in these services to allow broader distribution to other potential providers. Clearly, once commercialized, new probes with broad screening, diagnostic, or therapeutic applications might enjoy considerable success in general practice.

Critical Issues for Radiology

  1. Molecular imaging will be heavily affected by regulation. The extent of regulation will be a key factor in elongating the time frame to when there is broad availability of molecular imaging.

  2. The current FDA processes are ill-equipped to handle the interrelated technologies (eg, device-drug combinations) that characterize molecular imaging.

  3. FDA processes are not designed to handle the current situation where innovation development is more primarily investigator based than corporation based.

  4. The burgeoning research in molecular imaging could overwhelm the FDA processes.

  5. Beyond some initial broadly applicable probes, successive innovations are likely to address successively more restricted applications and smaller populations. This means that there will be little commercial appeal to address more disease-specific pharmaceutical and biologic agents.

  6. Protections afforded companies by pharmaceutical patents may dampen broad-based research in molecular imaging.

  7. Reimbursement for new technology most often, but not invariably, follows FDA approval. Technology assessment and payer advisory panels may play an increasing role in determining whether there is sufficient benefit to expensive new technologies such as molecular imaging to warrant third-party reimbursement.

  8. Although traditional imaging corporations are becoming interested in molecular imaging, funding for development is likely to remain largely the responsibility of the National Institutes of Health for some time.

  9. Unlike earlier innovations, it is unlikely that molecular imaging will diffuse broadly in the short term. For the present, research will be focused on rodents. There probably will be slow mounting human investigation and clinical diffusion over a long period of time. PET and single photon emission CT are currently the most mature technologies and are likely to proliferate first. While certain elements of molecular imaging will rapidly diffuse into clinical practice, it may be 10–20 years before the nature of imaging practice truly converts markedly to molecular imaging.


Factors Influencing Competition over Molecular Imaging
The diffusion of previous imaging innovations has shown the importance of competition among providers in powering that diffusion. For instance, with regard to MR imaging, three types of competition were evident: (a) competition to provide the MR imaging service itself, (b) MR imaging used as a competitive tool to gain broader footholds in the marketplace, and (c) competition among specialties. As noted above, because of the resources required to perform molecular imaging, for the short term molecular imaging is likely to remain in academic centers, where competition among providers will largely focus on federal and corporate grants.

It is already evident, however, that molecular imaging will be the focus of competition among multiple specialties that have evinced an interest in this technology. Most notably, psychiatrists, neurologists, oncologists, and cardiologists have immersed themselves in molecular imaging research, and the topic has been the subject of colloquia by other medical specialty organizations. Experience with previous imaging innovations has shown that the specialists most involved in the research and development of a new technology are the ones most likely to dominate eventual clinical applications.

Self-referral for medical imaging by nonradiologists is a common practice in the United States despite the well-proved axiom that self-referral by physicians of their own patients for imaging technologies in which they have a financial interest results in greater frequency of imaging and higher cost (8,9). There are numerous rationales for why physicians whose principal practice is not imaging (ie, nonradiologists) acquire imaging modalities for their practices. The most obvious of these—and the one that has been the greatest focus of attention—has been the financial incentive. Imaging procedures have been well reimbursed relative to the procedures of many other medical practices; it has generally been presumed that the higher rate of utilization associated with self-referral has been financially motivated.

Clearly, however, other incentives to self-referral are also important: competition with peers in their own specialty, intellectual satisfaction of being on the "cutting edge," recognition and status among colleagues, and patient convenience. It is likely that all of these play a role to greater or lesser degrees, depending on the circumstances. Given the current intellectual excitement surrounding molecular imaging and the ultimate transition over time to molecular medicine, it is likely that similar competition among specialties will eventually develop over molecular imaging.

Critical Issues for Radiology

  1. Numerous specialties will vie to participate in molecular imaging research.

  2. Given the interdisciplinary nature of molecular imaging in this early stage, when research will be focused on animals and initial human applications, molecular imaging is likely to be both competitive and collaborative. As commercialization of molecular imaging technologies occurs and as molecular imaging makes the transition into clinical practice, competition among specialists may grow more rigorous.

  3. The availability of reimbursement for molecular imaging procedures will promote both the commercialization of processes and the interest of providers in acquisition.

  4. Radiologists must consider how they will add value to molecular imaging and more broadly to molecular diagnosis and treatment. Possibilities include the following: (a) Given what may be a multitude of possible molecular imaging procedures that may be applicable to a given patient presentation, a key role for radiologists may be as consultants to referring clinicians. (b) Radiologists control the "chain of imaging expertise"—from advanced knowledge of which is the appropriate procedure to image capture to image interpretation, transmission, and archival. (c) Simply controlling the imaging technology may be insufficient. (d) Radiologists serve as integrators and managers of clinical information. (e) Institutions view radiology as the focus for centralizing expensive technology and radiologists as the stewards for their efficient use.


Recommendations Related to Molecular Imaging Research and Technology

  1. Educate radiologists about the importance of molecular imaging to the specialty. Educate radiologists in the science of molecular imaging by (a) establishing a series of courses, (b) publishing frequent articles in the ACR Bulletin, and (c) making experts available to write articles for journals and give interviews to the media.

  2. Make radiology leaders aware of the importance of molecular imaging to the future of the specialty at ACR Summer Conferences, ACR Annual Meetings, ACR State Chapter Leaders Meetings, and through collaborations with the leaders of other radiologic societies.

  3. Establish an ACR commission on molecular imaging that would include an interdisciplinary membership (including nonradiologists) and that would deal with such issues as nomenclature, standards, appropriateness criteria, training, and other topics.

  4. Develop mechanisms to educate academic department chairs and research directors about why they should be establishing molecular imaging centers by means of (a) the already existing ACR/Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology Departments leadership relationship and (b) the development of ACR/Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology Departments symposia on this subject.

  5. Showcase and promote radiology departments that are successfully pursuing molecular imaging programs. Package a "how-to" kit that provides examples of success stories.

  6. Elevate the status of research and researchers in radiology’s culture. Make radiologists in community practice more aware of the importance of molecular imaging research to their future, and enlist their financial support in funding research through the development of a new ACR molecular imaging research fund.

  7. Use the molecular imaging research fund to support time and travel for established molecular imaging researchers to visit interested departments to educate and assist the development of molecular imaging in those departments.

  8. Help academic departments attract as faculty outstanding basic researchers trained in disciplines relevant to molecular imaging by establishing relationships between ACR and relevent basic science organizations

  9. Apply moneys from the molecular imaging research fund to provide financial support for protected blocks time for promising young investigators to conduct the research necessary to achieve extramural funding.

Recommendations Related to Training and Certification

  1. Encourage the Residency Review Committee to work toward including molecular imaging as a training requirement in the "Green Book."

  2. Work with the Residency Review Committee and the American Board of Radiology to encourage greater flexibility in training.

  3. Add questions related to molecular imaging to board examinations.

  4. Produce and widely distribute a "primer" on molecular imaging as part of the ACR syllabus series.

  5. Educate academic department chairs on the importance of developing molecular imaging training programs. Promote centers of excellence that consider a mandatory minimum of 1 year of research training as part of residency and fellowship training programs.

  6. Develop and promote incentives that would encourage talented individuals to enter molecular imaging research training.

  7. Have the ACR Research Department assist academic departments to take advantage of National Institutes of Health funding for training opportunities. Use moneys from the molecular imaging research fund to help these departments develop the infrastructure necessary to support molecular imaging research and research training programs.

  8. Develop programs that would finance molecular imaging research training for medical students, residents, and fellows and retraining for radiologists already in practice. Enlist the financial support of the broad radiologic community to support this goal.

  9. Work with the Academy of Radiology Research to lobby the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Congress to adequately finance molecular imaging research and research training.

Recommendations Related to Regulation and Diffusion

  1. Educate researchers about the regulatory process by developing a course addressing invention, patents and copyrights, and regulatory affairs. As part of the program, encourage researchers to make early contact with the FDA.

  2. Lobby to provide new regulatory avenues that will facilitate the availability of molecular imaging procedures.

  3. Open communications with industry and educate corporate leaders about the particulars of molecular imaging. As a first step, send them a copy of this white paper. Work collaboratively with industry toward the development of molecular imaging. Gain corporate support for infrastructure development and research funding.

  4. Work with federal agencies to encourage early reimbursement of key molecular imaging procedures.

Recommendations Regarding Turf and Competition

  1. Promote to medical school deans and hospital directors the concept that radiology is the appropriate home for molecular imaging programs.

  2. Consider the impact of molecular imaging on key issues in radiology, such as human resources, and make this a part of the functions of related task forces, committees, and commissions.

  3. Work with other radiologic organizations to develop public relations and educational programs that will have an impact on the specialty.


Colloquium participants: Philip O. Alderson, MD, Department of Radiology, Columbia University, New York, NY; Stanley Baum, MD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Ronald G. Evens, MD, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St Louis, Mo; Bruce J. Hillman, MD (Colloquium Co-Chair), Department of Radiology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville; John M. Hoffman, MD, Molecular Imaging Branch, Biomedical Imaging Program, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md; Steven M. Larson, MD, Nuclear Medicine Services, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Medical Center, New York, NY; Harvey L. Neiman, MD (Colloquium Co-Chair), Department of Radiology, Western Pennsylvania Health System, Pittsburgh; Martin G. Pomper, MD, PhD, Department of Radiology, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; Faina Shtern, MD, Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, Mass; Jeffrey C. Weinreb, MD, Department of Radiology, New York University, New York; Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD, Center for Molecular Imaging Research, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown; Elias Z. Zerhouni, MD, Department of Radiology, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. From the American College of Radiology, Reston, Va: Arlene Olkin, Charles Showalter, Jonathan Sunshine, PhD.



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作者: Bruce J. Hillman MD and Harvey L. Neiman MD 2007-5-14
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