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    【摘要】  目的  了解普米克令舒对毛细支气管炎后喘息发生情况的影响。方法  观察毛细支气管炎急性期加用吸入普米克令舒治疗组与常规治疗组在病后1年的喘息发生情况的不同。结果  加用吸入普米克令舒组的患儿病后1年喘息的发生人数及发生次数均有明显减少(P<0.0001,P<0.0001)。结论  毛细支气管炎急性期用吸入普米克令舒可明显减少病后1年内喘息的发作。

  【关键词】  普米克令舒;毛细支气管炎;喘息
  The effects of aerosol apray inhalation of pulmicort respules at an asthma attack after bronchiolitis

  BAI Jian-peng,CHEN Ji-wen,LIN Peng-cheng,et al.

  Pediatrics Department,The First Hospital of Quanzhou,Quanzhou 362000,China

  【Abstract】  Objective  To investigate the effects of using pulmicort respules at an asthma attack of bronchiolitis in one year after the disease.Methods  Two groups are established.One is treated by aerosol inhalation apray inhalation of pulmicort respules at an acute stage of bronchiolitis,the other one is treated in normal way,Then we observe and analyse the situations when an asthma attack happens in one year later.Results  It shows that numbers of the person and times of an asthma attack by the aerosol inhalation apray inhalation of pulmicort respules at an acute stage of bronchiolitis reduces apparently to the control group (P<0.0001,P<0.0001).Conclusion  It is a better choice that aerosol inhalation apray inhalation of pulmicort respules at acute stage of bronchiolitis.The use of it obviously decrease the recurring of asthma attack after the disease in one year.

  【Key words】  pulmicort respules;bronchiolitis;asthma


  1  资料与方法

  1.1  一般资料 

  将我院收住的毛细支气管炎患儿95例随机分为两组,两组患儿一般情况见表1。表1  两组患儿例数及年龄、性别情况  (略)

  1.2  诊断标准  参照实用儿科学(第7版)。

  1.3  治疗方法 

  两组病人均常规采用抗病毒、祛痰、平喘等治疗(病程长及有继发细菌感染的病人加用抗生素),治疗组加用阿斯利康公司生产的普米克令舒治疗,剂量为1mg bid雾化吸入(雾化吸入装置采用德国百瑞公司生产的037型压缩雾化吸入机),疗程7天。

  1.4  统计学方法 

  采用SPSS 11.5软件作t检验

  1.5  随访 


  2  结果


  3  讨论


  国外研究表明,雾化吸入糖皮质激素治疗,可有效缓解毛细支气管炎急性期的喘息症状,较长期吸入可明显减少毛细支气管炎病后的反复喘息发作[5,6],且可有效减少婴儿2年后发生哮喘的风险[7]。本组患儿于住院期间给予普米克令舒雾化1mg bid吸入7天,除临床症状缓解快、住院时间短外,其病后喘息反复发生的例数及次数极为明显低于对照组(P<0.0001,P<0.0001),也表明了雾化吸入普米克令舒对减少毛细支气管炎后的喘息发作有明显效果。可明显减少病后喘息及哮喘的发生,且应用方便,值得临床推广。


  1  胡亚美,江载芳.诸福棠实用儿科学,第7版.北京:人民卫生出版社,2002,1199-1120.

  2  Martinez FD.Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis and the pathogenesis of childhood asthma.Pediatr infect Dis J,2003,22:S76-S82.

  3  Kroppi M.A 2-to 3-year outcome after bronchiolitis.AM J Dis Child,1993,147(6):628-631.

  4  Carballal G,Videla C,Espinosa M,et al.Multicentered study of viral acute lower respiratory infections in children from four cities of Argentina,1993-1994.J Med Virol,2001,167-174.

  5  Volovitz B.Rapid induction of clinical response with a short-term high-dose starting schedule of budesonide nebulizing suspension in young children with recurrent wheezing episodes.J Allergy Clin Immunol,1998,101(4 pt1):464-469.

  6  Reijonen T.Anti-inflammatory therapy reduces wheezing after bronchiolitis.Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med,1996,150(5):512-517.

  7  Kajosaari.Inhaled corticosteroids during and after respiratory syncytial virus-bronchiolitis may decrease subsequent asthma.Pediatric Alleryand Immunology,2000,11(3):198-202.

  作者单位: 362000 福建泉州,泉州市第一医院儿科



作者: 白剑鹏,陈激文,林鹏程,王琦凡 2006-8-31
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