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  【摘要】  目的  探讨幽门螺杆菌阳性和阴性残胃炎的各种双对比影像特征及其临床应用价值。方法  按统一标准对所获材料进行筛选和回顾性分析;各X线征象诊断标准:胃黏膜皱襞宽度≥5mm或较其他部位胃黏膜皱襞显著增厚(限局性)即诊断为胃黏膜皱襞增厚。吻合口直径≤9mm即诊断为吻合口狭窄。溃疡和胃黏膜糜烂照常规诊断。统计检验各X线征象和幽门螺杆菌的关系。结果  共筛选出52例病例,其中25例幽门螺杆菌阳性,27例阴性。幽门螺杆菌阳性病例中有胃黏膜皱襞增厚23例(92.00%)、吻合口狭窄6例(24.00%)、溃疡1例(4.00%),胃黏膜糜烂3例(12.00%);幽门螺杆菌阴性病例中则分别有19例(70.37%)(P<0.05)、1例(3.70%)(P<0.001)、2例(7.41%)(P>0.05)、4例(14.81%)(P>0.05)。结论  幽门螺杆菌可能主要引起残胃黏膜增生性病变,相应的则在双对比影像上出现胃黏膜皱襞增厚和吻合口狭窄,而残胃溃疡和胃黏膜糜烂则不能表示有幽门螺杆菌感染。

  【关键词】  胃炎;螺杆菌,幽门;钡;检查
  Comparative study on radiological features of remnant gastritis between the H.pylori-positive patients and the H.pylori-negative patients

  QIAN Xue-qun,GU Qiang,WEN Feng,et al.

  Department of Radiology,Pudong New Area Peoples Hospital,Shanghai 201200,China

  【Abstract】  Objective  To investigate the radiological spectrum of Helicobacter pylori-positive or-negative remnant gastritis and its clinical application value.Methods  Ninety-eight patients who had undergone GI examinations were screened and retrospectively studied.The screening standards were:(1)The pathological tests of H.pylori were performed within 6 months before or after GI.(2)The methods of gastrointestinal reconstruction were Billroth Ⅰ (including esophagogastrostomy) and Billroth Ⅱ.(3)Remnant gastritis was proven by gastroscopy and pathological biopsy,and the possibilities of malignant tumor were excluded.(4)The GI images and the diagnosis were clear.The diagnosis standards were:(1)Folds 5 mm or greater in width or obviously thicker than other area of the remnant stomach were defined as thickened folds.(2)Stomas 9 mm or lesser in diameter were defined as stenosis.(3)When the niche sign was found,the diagnosis of ulcer was established.(4)When the barium flecks or other X-ray features of erosive gastritis were found,the diagnosis of gastric mucosal erosion was established.A statistical analysis of the data was performed with Fishers Exact test.Results  According to the screening standards,the materials of 52 of 98 cases were satisfied.25 of the 52 cases were found to be H.pylori positive and 27 were found to be H.pylori negative.Thickened folds were detected in 23 (92.00%) H.pylori-positive cases vs 19 (70.37%) H.pylori-negative cases (P<0.05);stenotic stoma in 6 (24.00%) H.pylori-positive cases vs 1 (3.70%) H.pylori-negative cases (P<0.001);remnant gastric ulcers in 1 (4%) H.pylori-positive cases vs 2 (7.41%) H.pylori-negative cases (P>0.05);erosions in 3 (12.00%) H.pylori-positive cases vs 4 (14.81%) pylori-negative cases (P>0.05).Conclusion  H.pylori might mainly cause mucosal proliferative lesion,accordingly thickened folds and stenotic stoma can be detected in H.pylori-positive patients,and the detection of ulcers or erosions can not identify the infection of H.pylori.

  【Key words】  gastritis;Helicobacter pylori;barium;examination


  1  资料与方法

  1.1  一般资料  2000年1月1日~2005年7月30日我院共对98例残胃病例做了上消化道气钡双对比检查(double contrast upper gastrointestinal tract examination,GI)。男62例,女36例,年龄25~88岁,平均(63.27±15.92)岁。术后时间6天~35年,平均(6.81±4.59)年。其中有腹胀76例,嗳气和反酸62例,进食梗噎感40例,恶心呕吐24例,腹痛15例,柏油样便8例。

  1.2  方法  5年半间,由于我院设备不断更新,98例患者分别在东芝KXO-15C胃肠机、西门子SIREGRAPH FR胃肠机或西门子POLYDOROS SX80胃肠机上被检查。检查方法按照中华医学会上海分会和上海市卫生局联合编著的《医学影像学诊疗常规》中规定的方法进行。使用钡剂为马鹿牌Ⅱ型或火圈牌Ⅱ型。按规定使用产气粉。

  1.3  筛选标准  对所有病例采用以下筛选标准筛选:(1)做GI检查前后不超过6个月内做了幽门螺杆菌病理学检查[2]。(2)胃肠道重建术式为毕罗Ⅰ式(包括食管残胃吻合术式)和毕罗Ⅱ式者。(3)经胃镜和病理活组织检查确诊为残胃炎并排除恶性病变者。(4)GI图像清晰,读片一致,诊断明确。由2位富有经验的放射科医生对所有GI材料进行回顾性分析。他们均不知道每份材料的其他检查结果,按以下标准读片:(1)胃黏膜皱襞宽度≥5mm或较其他部位胃黏膜皱襞显著增厚(限局性)即诊断为胃黏膜皱襞增厚[2]。(2)吻合口直径≤9mm即诊断为吻合口狭窄[3]。(3)由上述2位医师确定有龛影者即诊断为溃疡。(4)由上述2位医师根据经验确定有斑点样钡斑或其他糜烂性胃炎X线征象的存在即诊断为胃黏膜糜烂。东芝KXO-15C胃肠机所摄胶片为非数字化图像,直接在胶片图像上测量长度。西门子SIREGRAPH FR胃肠机和西门子POLYDOROS SX80胃肠机所摄图像为数字化图像,长度根据图像上所附标尺或PACS上所附标尺进行测量。我院共有3种检验消化道幽门螺杆菌感染的方法:(1)病理学幽门螺杆菌阳性标准:由病理科对病理活检组织进行Giemsa染色如为阳性即为幽门螺杆菌阳性。(2)碳14尿素呼吸试验。(3)幽门螺杆菌抗体。本组只以病理学Giemsa染色为标准[4]。

  1.4  统计学方法  各种X线征象单独统计例数。所有数据采用Intercooled Stata 7.0统计软件中的Fisher检验进行统计学分析[2]。P<0.05即认为差异有显著性。

  2  结果




  表1  幽门螺杆菌阳性或阴性残胃炎的各种影像特征  (略)

  3  讨论








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  作者单位: 201200上海,上海市浦东新区人民医院放射影像科

  (编辑:宋  晓)

作者: 钱学群顾强文峰谢禹昌 2006-9-3
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