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演讲题目: Integrity in Medical Science

  主讲人:  Dr. Roy Schwarz 

  Former President, China Medical Board of New York, Inc.

  演讲时间:   2010年9月15日   星期三  10:00-12:00

  演讲地点:北京大学医学部逸夫教学楼 509

  演讲语言:英语,记1学分。 欢迎各位老师和学生参加!



  M. Roy Schwarz, M.D. is former President of the China Medical Board of New York, Inc., a private foundation established in 1914 to promote high quality, western medicine in China and elsewhere in the world. Currently, the Board has programs in China, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Mongolia and Nepal. He has deep thinking on ethical issues on medical research integrity and health care reform globally.

  Dr. Schwarz has served on the faculties at the University of Washington, McGill University and the University of Colorado. He currently holds Professorships at the University of Washington, University of California of San Diego, and the University of Illinois. His research interests have spanned cellular immunology, nucleic acid metabolism, experimental medical education, and the use of communications satellites in education and health care.

  His administrative posts have included Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Founding Director of the WAMI (Washington, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho) Program at the University of Washington, Director, Experimental Satellite Communications Program of the University of Washington, Dean of the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and Senior Vice President of Medical Education and Science of the American Medical Association.

作者: 2010-8-31
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