题 目:Seeking novel epilepsy prevention therapies
主讲人:Ray Dingledine, Ph.D.
主持人:颜光美 副校长
时 间:2007年6月7日(星期四)下午3:00
地 点:北校区永生楼四楼讲学厅
Ray Dingledine, PhD.简介: Ray Dingledine received his PhD in pharmacology under Avram Goldstein at Standford in 1975. He received postdoctoral training from leslie Iversen and John Kelly at Cambridge,UK(1975-77), then Per Andersen at Oslo(1977-78). He joined the Department of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1978 and rose to Professor. During this time he spent a sabbatical year in Steve Heinemann’s lab at the Salk Institute in 1990-91. Honors include being named a sloan Research Fellow and a Klingenstein Fellow in Neuroscience; receiving the Epilepsy Research Award from ASPET, the Basic Epilepsy Research Award from the American Epilepsy Society, the Bristol-Myers Squibb Neuroscience Award(twice),a Jacob Javits Neuroscience Merit Award(NIH),the Boezi Distingguished Alumnus Award(Michigan State University), and the PhRMA Career Excellence Award; presenting the Tom Rainbow Lecture(Univ. Pennsylvania), the Herbert Jasper Lecture (Montreal Neurological Institue), the Koppanyi Lecture(Georgetown University), and Keynote address at the Western Pharmacological Society, the International Epilepsy Conference(Oslo),the Kiffen Penry Memorial, the Epilepsy and Brain Development Conference (Houston), and the JP Long memorial symposium. His career was profiled in Nature Medicine in 2002(vol 8 p 772), and he was elected as an AAAS Fellow in 2003.