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  July 2, 2008 — 一项针对罹患双极性躁郁症年轻病患进行的病例控制研究结果发现,相较于控制组(4%),这些病患(31%)物质滥用(药物或是酒精滥用或依赖性)的风险显著较高。
  【躁郁症与物质滥用风险相关 而非违规行为异常】
  主要试验作者,波士顿麻州综合医院的Timothy E. Wilens医师在电子邮件中向Medscape神经学表示,这是第一篇报导双极性躁郁症与物质滥用之间关联的研究报告。他附带表示,目前这项研究发现重新验证了之前较小型或设计较不严谨的初期研究,同时突显了双极性躁郁症提升了发生物质滥用的风险,且是双极性异常而非违规行为异常(青少年犯错行为)与这个风险有关。
  他附带表示,未来的研究可能发现介入点,让执业者可以降低双极性异常对于药物与酒精滥用的影响;一项小型、早期、控制组研究(Geller等人发表在J Am Acad Child Adoles Psych. 1997; 36: 1168-1176)显示,如果一位罹患双极性异常与物质滥用的病患,接受双极性异常的治疗,物质滥用的风险与其功能可显著改善。


罹患双极性异常年轻病患发生率 (%)

控制组年轻受试者发生率 (%)

风险比值 (95% CI)





8.68 (3.02 – 25.0)

< .001




7.66 (2.20 – 26.7)





18.5 (2.46 – 139.1)





12.1 (1.54 – 95.5)





12.3 (2.83 – 53.69)

< .001

  Wilens医师接受国家物质滥用机构以及下列药品公司的研究经费、演讲费或是担任顾问的费用,这些公司包括Abbott实验室、Ortho-McNeil、Eli Lilly、Norvatis与Shire实验室。其他作者的资金上的关系条列于该篇文章中。


Huge Risk of Substance Abuse Found Among Teens with Bipolar Disorder

By Marlene Busko
Medscape Medical News

July 2, 2008 — A case-control study in youth with bipolar disorder with a mean age of 14 years found a significantly higher risk of substance-use disorder (drug or alcohol abuse or dependence) (31%) compared with controls (4%).

These findings, from an ongoing, longitudinal family-based study of adolescents with bipolar disorder, are published in the June 1 issue of Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Bipolar Disorder Not Conduct Disorder Linked to Risk

"We were the first to report on the association of bipolar disorder and substance abuse," lead study author Timothy E. Wilens, MD, from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, in Boston, Massachusetts, told Medscape Psychiatry in an email. The current findings replicate a smaller and less controlled initial study and "highlight the massive risk that bipolar disorder bestows upon the development of substance abuse and that it is bipolar disorder and not conduct disorder (juvenile delinquency) that is associated with that risk," he added.

In this study, the risk from bipolar disorder for substance abuse is among the highest risk ever described in the literature and is equal to the risk from conduct disorder, he continued. The study "shows that yet again, the onset of bipolarity in adolescence is particularly malignant for the onset of substance abuse," he said.

The implications for clinical practitioners are huge, he continued. All patients with bipolar disorder need to be educated about the risk for substance abuse, and conversely, all substance-abusing youth with mood instability need to be carefully screened for bipolar disorder, he said.

Future studies might discover intervention points where practitioners could reduce the influence of bipolar disorder on drug and alcohol abuse, he added. One small, older, controlled study (Geller et al. J Am Acad Child Adoles Psych. 1997;36:1168-1176) showed that if a youth has bipolar disorder and substance abuse and the bipolar disorder is treated, the risk for substance abuse and patient functioning are dramatically improved, he added.

Large Investigation

It has been estimated that 20% of children and adolescents treated for psychiatric problems have bipolar disorder, the group writes. A few studies suggest that juvenile-onset bipolar disorder may be a major risk factor for substance-abuse disorder, but study limitations hinder the interpretation of these findings.

The group aimed to reexamine the association between bipolar disorder and substance abuse in adolescents in a case-controlled study. They hypothesized that the association between bipolar disorder and substance-abuse disorder would be independent of psychiatric comorbidity with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, and multiple anxiety disorder.

The current study is based on baseline assessments from an ongoing study of bipolar disorder in adolescents.

The investigators examined 105 subjects with bipolar disorder (mean age 13.6 ± 2.5 years, 70% male) and 98 controls (mean age 13.7 ± 2.1 years, 60% male); all participants were recruited form the community.

Diagnosis of bipolar disorder and other psychiatric disorders were made using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed structured interviews. Substance-abuse–disorder information was based on in-depth interviews with the child and with the parents.

Findings Support Importance of Screening Teens

The incidences of any substance-use disorder, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, drug dependence, and cigarette smoking were each significantly higher in the participants with bipolar disorder compared with the control subjects.

Risk of Substance Use Among Youth With vs Without Bipolar Disorder*

Substance Use Incidence in Bipolar Youth
Incidence in Control Youth
Risk Ratio (95% CI) P
Lifetime prevalence of any substance use disorder 34 4 8.68 (3.02?–?25.0)
Alcohol abuse 23 3 7.66 (2.20?–?26.7) .001
Drug abuse 22 1 18.5 (2.46?–?139.1) .005
Drug dependence 14 1 12.1 (1.54?–?95.5) .02
Cigarette smoking 22 4 12.3 (2.83?–?53.69)
*Adjusted for age and independent of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, and multiple anxiety disorder.

No control subjects but 14% of subjects with bipolar disorder had both drug- and alcohol-use disorder (P < .001).

This work indicates that young people with bipolar disorder need to be carefully screened for substance abuse, and adolescents known to abuse drugs and alcohol — especially those who binge use — should also be assessed for bipolar disorder, Dr. Wilens summarized.

Dr. Wilens acknowledges receiving research support from, being a speaker for, or being on the advisory board of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the following pharmaceutical companies: Abbott Laboratories, Ortho-McNeil, Eli Lilly, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, and Shire Laboratories. The financial disclosures of the other authors are listed in the paper.

Drug Alcohol Depend.2008;95:188-198. Abstract

作者: Marlene Busko 2008-8-27
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