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  June 5, 2008(印第安納波里) —根據南澳洲大學博士候選人Lynda Norton在美國運動醫學會第55屆年會中發表的研究發現,40天的密集體能活動可以顯著改善心血管與代謝風險因素。
  年紀在18至60歲之間的運動量不足者(每週運動時間<150分鐘)隨機分派到以下兩組40天增加運動計畫中:計步器組(n= 251);以及以此組為基礎的介入組(n= 187);另有積極控制組 (n= 135) 。半數有人帶領,半數為自己進行,在三和六個月時評估研究對象,以瞭解體能活動模式和風險因素之改變。
  40天介入組之參與者的身體質量指數(BMI)、腰圍、膽固醇、最大吸氧量 (V02 max)、整體與費力活動等有明顯改善;在六個月時,兩個介入組在BMI、V02 max、整體與費力活動等仍有顯著改善;在風險因素改變中,費力活動顯然是重要的。
  該段會議的主席、愛荷華州科技大學運動診所主任、副教授Warren Franke博士指出,運動對病患有好處,而在本研究中,更密集、更費力的運動看似對降低膽固醇、BMI、腰圍等風險因素更有幫助。
  美國運動醫學會(ACSM)第55屆年會:摘要 747。發表於2008年5月29日。

Vigorous Physical Activity for 40 Days May Reduce Cardiovascular Risk Factors

By Laura Gater
Medscape Medical News

June 5, 2008 (Indianapolis, Indiana) — Forty days of intensive physical activity significantly improved cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors, according to findings presented here at the American College of Sports Medicine 55th Annual Meeting by Lynda Norton, MPH, PhD candidate, from the University of South Australia, in Adelaide.

Insufficiently active subjects (<150 minutes of physical activity per week) between the ages of 18 and 60 years were randomized to 1 of 2 40-day programs designed to increase physical activity: a pedometer group (n?= 251); and a group-based intervention group (n?= 187). An active control group (n?= 135) was also followed. Half the sessions were led, and half were performed individually. Subjects were assessed at 3 and 6 months to document physical-activity patterns and risk-factor changes.

"The control group had the highest number of minutes per week of physical activity (about 700), followed by the group-based and then the pedometer-based arm," explained Norton.

Participants in the 40-day intervention groups showed marked improvements in body mass index (BMI), waist girth, cholesterol, aerobic capacity (V02 max), and total and vigorous physical-activity measures. Significant improvements in BMI, V02 max, and total and vigorous minutes of physical activity remained at 6 months for both intervention groups. Vigorous physical activity was significant in the magnitude of risk-factor changes.

"Cardiovascular and metabolic health benefits do occur in 40 days," said Norton. "Greater benefits are seen with vigorous physical activity, so it should be encouraged. Even for people with risk factors, physicians can prescribe a gradual increase in physical activity."

Session chair Warren Franke, PhD, associate professor and director of the exercise clinic at Iowa State University of Science and Technology, in Ames, noted that "exercise is beneficial for patients, but more intense or vigorous activity seems to be more helpful in reducing the risk factors assessed in this study. These risk factors were cholesterol, BMI, and waist girth."

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 55th Annual Meeting: Abstract 747. Presented May 29, 2008.


作者: Laura Gater 2008-8-27
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