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药物名称   赖脯胰岛素
药物别名   赖脯胰岛素、基因重组胰岛素、莱斯普鲁胰岛素Humalog
英文名称   Insulin lispro
说  明   
功用作用   1.Insulin is a hormone naturally produced by your pancreas. Insulin enables your body to use the sugar in food as a source of energy. When the body does not produce enough insulin, or when the insulin produced by the body is not effective enough, the condition is called diabetes mellitus. This condition allows sugar levels in the blood to become very high. Diabetics must use man-made insulin or insulin that comes from pigs (which is very similar to human insulin) to lower these high blood sugar levels.
2.There are three types of insulin, which differ in how soon they begin to work and how long their effects last. Insulin lispro starts to work in 15 minutes and its effects last for 3 to 5 hours.
3.Insulin lispro may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.
用法用量   1.Use insulin lispro exactly as directed by your doctor. If you do not understand these instructions, ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist to explain them to you.
2.Insulin lispro should be given within 15 minutes before or immediately after a meal because it begins to work very soon after injecting a dose and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) may occur if eating is delayed.
3.If you have stored your insulin lispro in the refrigerator, warm it to room temperature before using it.
4.If you are mixing different types of insulins in the same syringe, follow your doctor's directions and always draw up the different insulins in the same order (usually the clear insulin first). This may prevent a dosage error.
5.Change your injection sites exactly as directed by your doctor. Usually, you should not inject within 1 inch of the same site within 1 month.
6.Never reuse a needle or syringe. Dispose of all needles and syringes in an appropriate, puncture-resistant disposal container.
7.Do not change the insulin strength (e.g., U-100) or insulin type (e.g., lispro) unless your doctor approves a change for you.
8.Do not change the brand of insulin lispro or syringe that you are using without first talking to your doctor or pharmacist. Some brands of insulin lispro and syringes are interchangeable, while others are not. Your doctor and/or pharmacist know which brands can be substituted for one another.
9.Follow any diet and exercise plan that you have developed with your doctor or nurse. Changes in what you eat or how much you exercise can change the amount of insulin that you need to control your blood sugar levels.
10.Ask your doctor or nurse what to do if you are sick with a cold, flu, or fever. These illnesses may change your insulin requirements.
11.Wear some type of medical identification bracelet, necklace, or other alert tag to inform others that you have diabetes and that you require insulin in the case of an emergency.
12.To adequately control diabetes, proper foot care, eye care, dental care, and overall proper health care are necessary. Visit your doctor, dentist, eye doctor, and other heath care practitioners as recommended by your doctor.
13. Do not use any insulin that is discolored, looks thick, has particles in it, or looks different from your previous bottles, cartridges, or pens of insulin lispro.
14.Keep the bottle, pen, or cartridge that you are using at room temperature in the original carton, if possible, protected from direct sunlight and extreme heat or cold.
15.The Humalog vials, cartridges, and pens can be kept unrefrigerated for 28 days, as long as they are kept as cool as possible (at temperatures not greater than 30 degrees Celsius or 86 degrees Fahrenheit). Unrefrigerated vials, cartridges, and pens must be used within this time period or discarded.
16.Store unused bottles, cartridges, and pens of insulin lispro in the refrigerator in the original carton. Most insulin lispro is good for up to 1 year if it is stored unopened in the refrigerator. Throw away any expired insulin lispro.
注意事项   1.Know the signs and symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which include headache, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, fast heartbeat, sweating, tremor, and nausea. Carry a piece of hard candy or glucose tablets with you to treat episodes of low blood sugar.
2.Insulin lispro should be given within 15 minutes before or immediately after a meal because it begins to work very soon after injecting a dose and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) may occur if eating is delayed.
3.Follow any diet and exercise plan that you have developed with your doctor or nurse. Changes in what you eat or how much you exercise can change the amount of insulin that you need to control your blood sugar levels.
4.Ask your doctor or nurse what to do if you are sick with a cold, flu, or fever. These illnesses may change your insulin requirements.
5.Do not change the brand of insulin lispro or syringe that you are using without first talking to your doctor or pharmacist. Some brands of insulin lispro and syringes are interchangeable, while others are not. Your doctor and/or pharmacist know which brands can be substituted for one another.
If Miss a Dose: 1.Follow your doctor's directions if you miss a dose of insulin. To prevent missed doses, be sure to always have enough insulin on hand, especially if you are going on vacation.
Contraindications: 1.Do not use insulin lispro if you are allergic to insulin or if you have an intolerance of a certain insulin lispro product.
2.Insulin lispro can be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Insulin lispro is not expected to harm a baby. In fact, it is very important to control blood sugar levels during pregnancy. Insulin is the best treatment option for pregnant or breast-feeding women.
Special Concerns: 1.Do not use alcohol without first talking to your doctor. It lowers blood sugar, and you may experience dangerously low blood sugar levels.
2.Follow any diet and exercise plan that you have developed with your doctor or nurse. Changes in what you eat or how much you exercise can change the amount of insulin you need to control your blood sugar levels.
作者: 2009-1-18
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