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1 in 3 Adults in U.S. Is a Caregiver

来源:WebMD Medical News

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Dec. 11, 2009 -- About one in three adults in the United States cares for a loved one who is elderly, sick, or has special needs. And two out of three unpaid caregivers are women, a new report finds.

More often than not, caregivers are raising families and working outside the home in addition to caring for aging parents, chronically ill spouses, or children or grandchildren with special needs.

The report, commissioned by the National Alliance for Caregiving in collaboration with the AARP and the insurance group MetLife, resulted from interviews with nearly 1,500 caregivers chosen at random. Similar interviews were conducted in 2004 and 1997.

Some 65 million American adults are providing care to loved ones independent of traditional parenting roles, Elinor Ginzler, senior vice president of Livable Communities Strategies for AARP, tells WebMD.

She says the typical caregiver is a woman in her late 40s caring for a parent, most often her mother, who is in their late 70s or older.

“Caregiving is traditionally women’s work,” she says. “And women are usually juggling work and family responsibilities while they are providing this care.”

Old Age, Alzheimer’s Major Reason for Care

The survey found that:

Ginzler says nearly three out of four caregivers who responded to the survey had paid jobs outside the home, and two-thirds said they had missed work as a result of their caregiving responsibilities.

She says the findings highlight the need for more support services for caregivers.

AARP has long pushed for a $3,000 tax credit for caregivers, and 56% of the survey respondents ranked a tax credit as important to them.

Health Care Debate Includes Caregivers

The tax credit is not a part of the sweeping health care legislation now being crafted by Congress, but Ginzler says the bill under consideration does include provisions that would help family caregivers.

Among the most ambitious is the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act, authored by Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) and the late Sen. Edward Kennedy. The act provides for a national, voluntary insurance program to help Americans pay for long-term care.

Under the proposed plan, workers who do not opt out of the program would pay premiums through payroll deductions for disability and long-term care insurance.

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