
Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods


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edited by Robert EC Wildman, 2001, 542 pages, hardcover, $119.95. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Robert B Rucker

Nutrition Department
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
3135 Meyer Hall
Davis, CA 95616

Correspondence: E-mail: rbrucker{at}

Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods is part of the CRC series Modern Nutrition. The book contains 31 chapters that address a range of useful topics. The first 2 chapters, written by the editor, Robert Wildman, set the stage by providing a historical perspective and classification of nutraceuticals. The chapters that follow address selected isoprenoids, phenolic compounds, protein- and amino acid–based derivatives, carbohydrate-derived products, fatty acids, phytoestrogens, and other lipids in the context of their use as nutraceuticals. The potential of selected foods, condiments, and herbs as functional foods is also addressed. Several chapters discuss topics related to probiotics and prebiotics. The final chapters focus on stability testing and social marketing of nutraceuticals and functional foods.

Most of the chapters are written by basic scientists, who provide good overviews on the chemistry and basic biological functions of the compounds and foods chosen for their putative or potential value as nutraceuticals. Because the conclusions are mostly guarded, it is easy to recommend this volume as a desk reference for those who wish to have an accessible resource that is concise, yet covers a broad range of topics. Numerous figures, diagrams, and tables are included that are helpful in defining proposed mechanistic functions. Some of the chapters provide well-organized tables containing compositional data that are useful in identifying specific foods as sources of flavonoids, capsaicinoids, antioxidant vitamins, carotenoids, allyl mercaptans, etc. At some level, all who identify themselves as nutritionists must have an informed perspective regarding the functional use of foods and nutraceuticals in health promotion. Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods could be useful as background reading in developing such a perspective. As Nancy Childs eloquently points out in her chapter on marketing issues and nutraceuticals, when the Food and Drug Administration chose to ignore the exploding number of health claims promoted by food marketers, it tacitly condoned a marketing process that now allows the indiscriminate advertising of selected foods as medicinals. For those who wish to develop or need a perspective on nutraceuticals and so-called functional or medicinal foods, this book could be a good place to start. It contains a wealth of information that is balanced and thoughtfully presented. The book as a whole is timely, well written, and well referenced, especially the chapters dealing with food chemistry and composition.

作者: Robert B Rucker
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