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Naomi K Fukagawa

University of Vermont

Nevin S Scrimshaw

International Nutrition Foundation

This symposium is dedicated to Vernon R Young. Dr Young was born in Wales and received degrees in agriculture from the University of Reading and the University of Cambridge (both in England) before coming to the United States. He received his PhD in Nutrition from the University of California, Davis, in 1966, and began his 39-y association with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that same year. He rose to the rank of full Professor in 1977 and continued a meteoric career that contributed seminally to the understanding of the fundamental physiologic basis of virtually every aspect of human protein and amino acid metabolism. His diverse scientific contributions have revolutionized the scientific understanding of how the human body processes nutrients into protein. In addition to his position at MIT, Dr Young held lecturer and other positions at Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Tufts University. He served as Director of Research at the Shriners' Burns Institute in Boston from 1988–1990 and as Director of the Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at the Shriners' Burns Hospital since 1991. In 2001, Professor Young was named to the Board of Directors of Nestlé Corporation for his extraordinary nutritional expertise.

Globally, Dr Young was the acknowledged leader of his field. His contributions were recognized not only by his election in 1990 to the National Academy of Sciences (USA) and to the Institute of Medicine of the Academy in 1993, but also by his receipt of essentially every major nutrition research award, including the Mead-Johnson, Borden, and Conrad Elvehjem Awards of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences; theMcCollum Award of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition; the Rank Prize in Nutrition (UK); the Gopalan Oration and Gold Medal of the Nutrition Society of India; the Bristol Myers Squibb Award for Distinguished Achievement in Nutrition Research (USA); the Danone International Prize for Nutrition (France); the Roger Williams Award in Preventive Nutrition (USA); the International Award for Modern Nutrition (Switzerland); the WO Atwater Award from the US Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service; and the Jonathan E Rhoads Award of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. He was a Fellow of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences and served as the Society's President from 1991–1992. In 1997, Uppsala University, Sweden, awarded him with an Honorary Doctor of Medicine degree (honoris causa). He authored >600 publications.

Not only was Dr Young one of the most innovative investigators of the past 40 y, but he was also one of the most honorable individuals and engaging personalities in science, admired by all who came into contact with him professionally, cherished by all who interacted with him socially, and loved by all who knew him well. Most notably, Dr Young cherished his family and attributed much of his success to their love and support.

作者: Naomi K Fukagawa
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