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  研究作者魁北克蒙大拿麦奎尔大学的Gustavo Turecki医师向Medscape精神学表示,这项研究针对焦虑感与分裂感所留下来的影响进行研究,至少对部分个体来说,自杀行为是个发育上的问题。



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*高风险 = 儿童时期中度或高度程度;低风险 = 儿童时期非常低度或低度程度。
  然而,进一步的分析显示,与这两个特征高程度相关的自杀风险增加仅发生在女孩身上(胜算比[OR]为3.60;P <.001),男孩则没有这样的特征(OR为0.80;P = .64)。
  这项研究由加拿大健康研究机构、国家暴力研究联合中心、卡内基米隆大学,以及the Programme National de recherche et de developpement en matiere de sant、the Conseil Quebecois de la recherche sociale与the Fonds Quebecois de la recherche sur la societe et la culture的经费赞助。作者表示没有相关资金上的往来。


Childhood Anxiousness and Disruptiveness May Predict Adult Suicide Risk

By Marlene Busko
Medscape Medical News

Anxious-disruptive girls and disruptive boys are more likely to attempt suicide in young adulthood, according to a prospective school-based cohort study.

"This study investigated childhood trajectories of anxiousness and disruptiveness and suggests that suicidal behavior, at least in a portion of individuals, is a developmental problem," study author Gustavo Turecki, MD, from McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec, told Medscape Psychiatry.

Previous studies have shown that attempted suicide is linked to high levels of these behaviors, but this is the first to demonstrate this association by identifying different childhood behavior trajectories, as opposed to looking at cross-sectional 2-point snapshots, he said.

"Pending further research, preventive programs may benefit from considering sex differences in personality markers as early as childhood," the authors write.

The study was published in the November issue of the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine.

Vulnerable Groups

Personality traits seen in childhood appear to be linked to a predisposition to suicidality. Having a better understanding of this association would help identify groups of vulnerable people who are at particularly high risk for suicide and who would benefit from timely intervention.

To determine how the pattern of anxiousness and disruptiveness throughout childhood might predict suicide attempts in young adulthood, the researchers studied a representative randomly selected group of 1001 boys and 999 girls who attended kindergarten in Quebec from 1986 to 1988.

The children were assessed annually from ages 6 to 12 years, once in mid-adolescence at a mean age of 15.7 years (range, 15 to 18 years), and once in young adulthood at a mean age of 21.4 years (range, 19 to 24 years).

The children's behavior was assessed on the basis of teacher reports on the Social Behavior Questionnaire, which included 13 items about disruptiveness (such as fighting with other children, fidgeting, and always running and jumping), and 6 items about anxiousness (such as crying easily and being fearful).

Anxious-Disruptive Girls, Disruptive Boys

The researchers identified 4 patterns of childhood anxiousness and 4 patterns of childhood disruptiveness for each trait: very low, low, moderate, and high.

About one third of the sample had very low levels of both traits, but only 5% had high levels of both traits. In general, participants had similar levels of both traits.

Participants with moderate or high levels of anxiousness throughout childhood had a 60% greater risk for suicide attempt by the time they reached young adulthood, compared with their peers who had very low or low levels of anxiousness in childhood.

Similarly, children with greater disruptiveness in childhood had an 80% greater risk for suicide attempt in young adulthood than their peers.

Having moderate or high levels of both traits conferred an 88% increased risk for suicide attempt.

Risk for Suicide Attempt by Early Adulthood: High-Risk vs Low-Risk Groups*

Childhood Trait Odds Ratio 95% CI
Anxiousness 1.60 1.00–2.65
Disruptiveness 1.80 1.03–3.13
Anxiousness and disruptiveness 1.88 1.05–3.37

*High-risk = moderate or high levels of trait throughout childhood; low-risk = very low or low levels of trait throughout childhood.

However, further analysis revealed that the increased risk for suicide attempt related to high levels of both traits was true for girls only (odds ratio [OR], 3.60; P?<.001), not for boys (OR, 0.80; P?= .64).

The finding that girls at risk for suicide attempt appear to display both anxious and disruptive traits and boys appear to display mostly the latter needs to be examined in research that looks at possible explanations, such as gene–environment interactions, the researchers say.

In addition, they did not find that childhood anxiousness and disruptiveness increased the risk for suicide attempt by increasing the likelihood of adolescent anxiety/mood disorders or disruptive disorders. This may be due to the study's small sample size and should be examined further.

This work was supported by grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the National Consortium on Violence Research, Carnegie Mellon University, the Programme National de recherche et de developpement en matiere de sante, the Conseil Quebecois de la recherche sociale, and the Fonds Quebecois de la recherche sur la societe et la culture.The authors disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2008:162:1015-1021.

作者: Marlene Busko
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