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  主編評論是由馬里蘭班塞斯達國家癌症機構Giovanna Tosato醫師與其同事解釋,市場上已經有好幾種抗癌藥物直接針對VEGF,包括人類化單株抗體bevacizumab(Avastin,Genetech/羅氏藥廠)、合成抑制劑sorafenib(Nexavar,拜耳/Onyx藥廠)與sunitinib(Sutent,輝瑞藥廠);他們評論,這些針對VEGF的治療已經被證實在某些癌症種類上有好處,但效果一般而言是輕微的、延長數個月的癌症存活時間,他們表示,這些經驗引起了許多有關於目前血管新生抑制治療於癌症治療上適當角色的許多問題。
  由休士頓德州大學安德森癌症中心的Michael Gray醫師領導的研究者們表示,使用抗神經素-2治療針對與抗VEGF療法可能改善現存抗血管新生治療且可能提供戰勝NRP-2表現腫瘤,例如大腸直腸癌,生長與轉移的獨特機會。

Neuropilin-2 May Offer New Therapeutic Target in Colon Cancer


By Zosia Chustecka
Medscape Medical News

Neurolipin-2 (NRP-2), a nonsignaling transmembrane receptor that interacts with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), may offer a promising new therapeutic target in colorectal cancer. So conclude researchers reporting data from cell-line and animal studies published online January 8 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. In an accompanying editorial, the research is described as "ground-breaking work."

The editorial, authored by Giovanna Tosato, MD, from the National Cancer Institute, in Bethesda, Maryland, and colleagues, explains that there are already several anticancer drugs on the market that directly target VEGF, including the humanized monoclonal antibody bevacizumab (Avastin, Genentech/Roche) and the synthetic inhibitors sorafenib (Nexavar, Bayer/Onyx) and sunitinib (Sutent, Pfizer). "These VEGF-targeted therapies have shown benefit in certain cancer types, but the responses have generally been modest and measured in months of extended cancer survival," they comment. "This experience raises many questions regarding the appropriate role of current antiangiogenic therapies in cancer treatment," they add.

The researchers, led by Michael Gray, MD, from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre, in Houston, suggest that "the use of anti–neuropilin-2 therapeutic targeting in conjunction with anti-VEGF therapy may improve on existing angiogenesis treatments and may provide a unique opportunity to circumvent the ability of NRP-2-expressing tumors, such as colorectal cancers, to grow and metastasize."

In their studies, Dr. Gray and colleagues showed that NRP-2 was elevated in most of the human primary and metastatic colon cancer specimens they tested but was not elevated in normal human colonic mucosa. The receptor was also expressed in most of the human colorectal cancer cell lines tested. Using mice, they showed that tumors derived from human colorectal cancer cells that did not express NRP-2 were less capable of establishing liver metastases than tumors derived from cells lines that did express the receptor. Also, the tumors expressing NRP-2 that did grow, both in the liver and subcutaneously, were smaller than the tumors that did not express NRP-2.

"In summary, we have shown that NRP-2 expression enhances cell survival, migration, invasion, and in vivo tumor growth — all critical aspects of colorectal cancer growth and progression — and our findings suggest that NRP-2 may be a promising therapeutic target for colorectal cancer," Dr. Gray and colleagues conclude.

The editorialists add that the study provides "welcome new information" about the role played by NRP-2. "Let us hope that targeting neuropilin-2 can hit double punches against the cancer microenvironment and the cancer itself," they comment.

The study was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health and several independent cancer research funds.

J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008;100:109-120 Abstract, 81-83. Abstract


作者: 佚名 2008-3-26
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