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  美国食品药物管理局(FDA)日前在一项更新的初期通讯中表示,一项大型、为期4年、由厂商赞助、收纳了将近6,000位病患的研究结果显示,相较于安慰剂,使用吸入性的长效抗胆碱激性药物 tiotropium bromide(Spiriva Handihaler,百龄佳药厂赞助)并不会增加中风风险。
  根据FDA的药物安全性资讯与不良反应通报系统MedWatch发出的警讯,这项称为UPLIFT(the Potential Long-Term Impacts on Function with Tiotropium)的研究预计将在2008年11月发表;届时,这些资料将被送交官署审查,这可能需要花上好几个月的时间。
  有关于使用吸入性tiotropium的不良反应都应该通报到FDA的MedWatch通报系统,可以拨打电话1-800-FDA-1088,或传真1-800-FDA-0178,或线上通报至,也可以邮寄到5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787。

Preliminary Data Suggest Spiriva Not Linked to Increased Stroke Risk

By Yael Waknine
Medscape Medical News

October 8, 2008 — Preliminary data from a large, 4-year, company-sponsored study of about 6000 patients suggest that the inhaled, long-acting anticholinergic agent tiotropium bromide (Spiriva HandiHaler, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc) is not linked to an increased risk for stroke relative to placebo, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced yesterday in an updated early communication.

Complete results of the Understanding the Potential Long-Term Impacts on Function with Tiotropium (UPLIFT) study are expected to be available in November 2008, according to an alert issued by MedWatch, the FDA's safety information and adverse event reporting program. At that time, they will be subjected to an agency review that may take several months.

Thus far, however, the findings contradict those of 2 recent publications, which have reported an increased risk for mortality and/or cardiovascular events in patients receiving tiotropium and other inhaled anticholinergic agents for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

One study was a systematic review and meta-analysis of 17 clinical trials involving inhaled anticholinergic agents (n = 14,783), and the other was a case-control study of inhaled medications that included an anticholinergic (n = 32,130 case patients and 320,501 control patients).

In March 2008, Boehringer Ingelheim had also reported findings from a meta-analysis of 28 placebo-controlled studies that suggested an annual excess risk for stroke of about 2 cases per 1000 patients. At that time, the FDA advised that these results be interpreted with caution.

Tiotropium is indicated for the long-term, once-daily maintenance treatment of bronchospasm associated with COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

Adverse events related to use of inhaled tiotropium should be reported to the FDA's MedWatch reporting program by telephone at 1-800-FDA-1088, by fax at 1-800-FDA-0178, online at, or by mail to 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787.


作者: Yael Waknine
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