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  巴尔的摩马里兰大学助理教授与马里兰巴金森氏及运动异常中心Karen E. Anderson医师表示,这些发现是预期外的,因为他们已经预期精神症状会对于较后期疾病的生活品质有较大的影响。
  其样本包括725位PD病患,其中657位病患有BSI数据,疾病的评估包括Hoehn & Yahr(H&Y)分数、整体联合巴金森氏症疾病评分指数(UPDRS)与UPDRS运动评分。

Hoehn & Yahr 分期

SF-12 生理健康生活品质相较于精神症状负担

SF-12 精神健康生活品质相较于精神症状负担



-0.61 c


-0.30 c

-0.60 c


-0.34 c

-0.55 c


-0.24 b

-0.61 c



-0.59 c


-0.40 a


  a. P<.05
  b. P<.01
  c. P<.001
  该研究由the Rosalyn Newman基金会赞助。作者表示无相关资金冲突或股份持有。

Psychiatric Symptoms Have Greater Impact in Early vs Late PD

By Susan Jeffrey
Medscape Medical News

 A new study suggests that psychiatric symptoms that appear in tandem with advancing Parkinson's disease (PD) have a bigger impact on patients' quality of life in the early to middle stages of disease compared with later stages.

Karen E. Anderson, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Maryland in Baltimore and the Maryland Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Center, said that these findings were unexpected, since they had anticipated that psychiatric symptoms would have a greater effect on quality of life later on in the disease process.

"It seems that the middle stages, perhaps when people are starting to develop balance problems or starting to find that their medication is not working so well or wearing off, is actually where the depression, anxiety, or somatization has a greater effect, more than in the later stages, when maybe they've come to terms with having the disease or are more accepting of it," Dr. Anderson told Medscape Psychiatry/Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Their findings were presented here at the 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association.

Coping With Disease Progression

Psychiatric symptoms in PD have previously been associated with reduced quality of life, the authors write. However, the relative impact of these symptoms at various disease stages is not clear.

"My prediction in this study was that if you had psychiatric illness — depression, anxiety, or somatic symptoms like dizziness, chest pain, or shortness of breath — it would be a greater burden later on in Parkinson's disease," Dr. Anderson said. "The thought being that early on in PD, we have medications that treat the neurological symptoms very effectively, so if you develop a psychiatric illness early on, perhaps you could cope with it better because the neurological symptoms are not so overwhelming. Later on in the disease, it might just compound the difficulty they're already having and make everything more difficult."

They used the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) to assess emotional symptoms in a cross-sectional sample of PD patients, and the SF-12 Health Survey to assess quality of life. This latter tool yields 2 summary measures of physical and mental quality of life. The Physical Health Summary Score includes physical functioning, ability to fulfill one's social role, bodily pain, and general health items, they note. The Mental Health Summary Score rates vitality, social functioning, and role-emotional and mental health items, the authors write.

The sample included 725 PD patients; BSI data were available for 657 of these patients. Disease measurements included Hoehn & Yahr (H&Y) scores, total Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), and UPDRS motor ratings.

"Basically, my hypothesis was not borne out," Dr. Anderson said. Psychiatric symptoms did not appear to have a greater impact later in the disease but rather in the middle stages, H&Y stages 2 to 3 inclusive.

"In the middle stages of disease, there was a very high correlation — so if you have depression, anxiety, somatization symptoms, your physical-health quality of life is significantly worse than someone who doesn't have such a high level of those symptoms," she said. "Later in the disease, we actually found that correlation went away or was less strong. So that was somewhat puzzling to us, that in the middle stages it appears to be a bigger burden."

Higher scores for psychiatric symptoms correlated with mental-health quality of life in all stages except stage 5.

Correlation of SF-12 Physical and Mental Health Quality of Life with Burden of Psychiatric Symptoms by PD Stage

Hoehn & Yahr Stage

SF-12 Physical Health Quality of Life vs Psychiatric Symptom Burden

SF-12 Mental Health Quality of Life vs Psychiatric Symptom Burden



















a. P < .05
b. P < .01
c. P < .001

A comparison of normal vs high total psychiatric burden showed that only in H&Y stage 2 was there a significant difference between patients with normal vs high emotional symptoms and a reduced physical quality of life, they note.

Their results suggest that quality-of-life impairment should be considered earlier in the disease course than some neurologists may otherwise think, Dr. Anderson said.

"If you have a patient who's depressed, and they're starting to have their medication not work so well or starting to develop balance problems, those are the people who you really need to watch and maybe do an intervention for mental health sooner than you might think," she concluded. "Just treating the motor symptoms may not give you the full impact of what you can do compared with treating both motor and psychiatric symptoms."

The study was supported by the Rosalyn Newman Foundation. The authors report no conflict of interest.

132nd Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association: Abstract M-70. Presented October 8, 2007.

作者: 佚名 2008-3-26
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