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  来自麻州波士顿哈佛医学院的发表者Eve M. Valera博士向Medscape精神医学表示,我并不预期看到女性ADHD病患与控制之间没有差异;这给临床医师的讯息是,许多ADHD研究是针对男性,且我们对于男性的认知并不一定适用于女性身上。

Sex Differences in Brain Activity Seen During Memory Task in Adult ADHD


By Marlene Busko
Medscape Medical News

In a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study of adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared with controls, men but not women had decreased neural activity in 4 brain areas while performing a working memory task.

These findings were presented in a symposium at the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 54th Annual Meeting.

"I did not expect to see no differences between women with ADHD and healthy controls," presenter Eve M. Valera, PhD, from Harvard Medical School, in Boston, Massachusetts, told Medscape Psychiatry. The take-home message for clinicians is that "a lot of research is focused on males . . . and what we know about males may not necessarily apply to females."

"Males Dominate the Literature"

About 5% of adults have ADHD, which is associated with impairments such as increased depression, substance abuse, and employment difficulties, Dr. Valera said.

"Males dominate the literature," she added, noting that in a noncomprehensive literature search of fMRI studies of ADHD, she found 15 studies with all-male subjects, 6 with mostly male subjects, and only 2 with all-female subjects.

Although referrals for ADHD in childhood epidemiologic samples are 3 to 1 for boys vs girls, by adulthood this shifts to a more equal proportion of 1.5 to 1 for men vs women, she said. Males are more likely to exhibit behavior disorders, whereas women are more likely to have the inattentive subtype of ADHD, she added.

Recent fMRI studies showed that relative to controls, adults with ADHD had decreased activation in occipital and cerebellar regions while performing a verbal working memory task. It was unknown, however, whether these results would apply equally to men and women.

The researchers in the current study hypothesized that relative to controls, males and females would show hypoactivity in the frontal and prefrontal cortex, but females would show subtler differences.

The sample comprised 44 individuals with ADHD (21 women, 23 men) and 49 controls (26 women, 23 men) who were in their 30s and had a fairly high intelligence level.

To probe neural functioning, the subjects underwent fMRI while they performed a 2-back verbal working memory task. In this task, participants were shown a series of letters flashing on a screen and were instructed to press the "yes" button every time they saw the same letter as 2 letters back and to press the "no" button in other cases. For example, the correct response to seeing the letters X, C, M, and C is "no," "no," "no," and "yes."

Differences Between Men and Women With ADHD

Both men and women behaved similarly during the working memory test, but neural activation in men, but not in women, differed from the controls in 4 areas of the brain. Relative to control subjects, men with ADHD had significant clusters of reduced neural activation in the right frontal, left parietal, left cerebellar occipital, and the bilateral subcortical regions of the brain — areas that are associated with working memory. Surprisingly, women with ADHD did not have any brain areas with significantly reduced neural activation.

These preliminary findings highlight that it is important for clinicians and others to be aware of potential sex differences when evaluating ADHD research results, said Dr. Valera, adding that further studies are needed that include sufficient numbers of women.

Dr. Valera reports receiving honoraria from Shire US Inc.

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 54th Annual Meeting: Symposium 2. October 23-28, 2007.


作者: 佚名 2008-3-26
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