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美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校的M. R. Arguedas博士及其同事利用专门的软件(DATA 3.5,美国麻省Williamstown公司)建立Markov模型。三种不监测血液动力学的二级预防措施包括:仅应用β阻滞剂、联合应用β阻滞剂与单硝酸异山梨酯、仅进行内镜下曲张静脉结扎。另四种二级预防措施在联合应用β阻滞剂/单硝酸异山梨酯或单独应用β阻滞剂时,通过检测一或两次肝静脉压力阶差识别血液动力学无应答者,并进行内镜下曲张静脉结扎。计算每种预防措施在3年内的总预期费用、静脉曲张出血情况和总死亡率。



Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2004 Mar;19(5):571-81.

Cost-effectiveness of hepatic venous pressure gradient measurements for prophylaxis of variceal re-bleeding.

Raines DL, Dupont AW, Arguedas MR.

Department of Medicine Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA.

BACKGROUND: : Measurement of the hepatic venous pressure gradient may identify a sub-optimal response to drug prophylaxis in patients with a history of variceal bleeding. However, the cost-effectiveness of routine hepatic venous pressure gradient measurements to guide secondary prophylaxis has not been examined. METHODS: : A Markov model was constructed using specialized software (DATA 3.5, Williamstown, MA, USA). Three strategies involved secondary prophylaxis without haemodynamic monitoring using beta-blockers alone, beta-blockers plus isosorbide mononitrate or endoscopic variceal ligation alone. Four strategies involved secondary prophylaxis with beta-blockers plus isosorbide mononitrate or beta-blockers alone, accompanied by one or two hepatic venous pressure gradient measurements to identify haemodynamic non-responders, who underwent endoscopic variceal ligation as an alternative. The total expected costs, variceal bleeding episodes and total deaths were calculated for each strategy over 3 years. RESULTS: : The two most effective strategies were combination therapy alone and combination therapy with two hepatic venous pressure gradient measurements. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of the latter strategy was $136 700 per year of life saved compared with combination therapy alone. The ratio improved as the time horizon was extended or the rates of variceal re-bleeding were increased. CONCLUSIONS: : The cost-effectiveness of haemodynamic monitoring to guide secondary prophylaxis of recurrent variceal bleeding is highly dependent on local hepatic venous pressure gradient measurement costs, life expectancy and re-bleeding rates.


作者: 自动采集 2005-2-23
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