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作者简介:  韩富天,男,1970年11月生,1994年09月师从中国科学院大连化学物理研究所林炳承教授,于1999年07月获得博士学位。




    鉴于人类基因组计划(Human Genome Project, HGP)无可争辩的意义及毛细管电泳作为主流技术之一介入这一计划造成的实际影响,论文第一篇较为系统地介绍了基因及其分析在医学、法医学、分子生物学等领域的重要性,以及毛细管电泳在基因分析各个领域的应用价值。



论文第三篇集中探讨了利用上述自行研制的筛分介质在医学和分子生物学等领域中开展大规模基因分析的可能性。在医学领域主要表现为以基因突变检测,基因家系连锁分析,特定基因的PCR产物直接检测为基础的基因诊断。其中包括,结合多重PCR技术,对引起杜氏肌营养不良症的基因突变进行了检测,对三例由于基因缺失突变而导致的杜氏肌营养不良症进行了基因诊断;首次使用毛细管电泳技术,通过对与苯丙氨酸羟化酶基因连锁的短串联重复(PAH STR)位点多态性进行分析,对80例中国人的PAH STR等位基因多态性位点的分布情况作了调查,包括6个苯丙酮尿症家系的连锁分析,并对其中的一个家系进行了产前基因诊断;以结核杆菌、链球菌和解脲支原体等致病微生物为例,通过对病原体特异性PCR产物的直接检测对某些感染性疾病做出了早期诊断等。在对病原体检测的过程中,论文对平板电泳所做出的假阴性结果进行了校正。同时发现,毛细管电泳还可能用于病原体类型的鉴别。除此之外,通过对3-4个细胞的PCR产物的检测,进一步显示了毛细管电泳技术的灵敏度,为遗传性疾病的无创产前诊断、癌症的预后监测提供了技术储备。






A series of sieving matrices, based on hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and modified by mannitol, were developed for DNA separation and analysis by capillary electrophoresis (CE). The many factors which influence the separation of DNA fragments were also investigated. The sieving mechanism of the DNA fragments in the sieving buffers were discussed, and the basic principles for DNA separation were presented. Some applications were carried out based on the sieving matrices we developed, and it was found that those sieving matrices can be used in clinical or molecular biology institutes for mutation detection, family linkage analysis and PCR product detection and characterization. Due to the advantages of CE in the area of biochemical analysis, it can also be used to monitor the levels of some metabolic products. As a supplement and example, capillary electrophoresis coupled with laser induced fluorescence detection (CE-LIF) was employed to determine the pteridine levels in urines from normal persons and cancer patients.

 In view of the significance of the Human Genome Project (HGP) and the importance of CE as a main technique in the implement of this project, in the first part of this thesis, we have introduced the basic knowledge of gene analysis, and its application in clinical diagnosis, forensic identification, and molecular biology sciences. The significance of CE in the area of gene analysis was also presented.

In the second part of this thesis, we have explored the possibility of separation of some DNA fragments such as PBR322/Hae III and PGEM- 3Zf(+)/Hae III. The factors that influence the migration and separation of the DNA fragments including capillary, temperature, electric field and additives were investigated. The migration mechanism of the DNA fragments in these sieving matrices was also discussed. For the first time in the world, we have employed mannitol as a buffer modifier to enhance the separation ability of HPMC-based sieving matrices. It was found that the separation of the DNA fragments can be improved by adding mannitol to the sieving buffer. This is true not only for the buffer with a conventional viscosity but also for the buffer with an ultra-low viscosity. Mannitol is proved to be an indispensable additive to the latter one. The special structure of mannitol enables itself to be a more valuable additive than glycerol. We are also among the very first who have observed a peak reversion when two co-amplified PCR products migrated together, which implies the influence of DNA conformation on migration is not neglectible. This influence will cause trouble in the identification of some PCR products. It is proposed in this thesis that a denaturant, such as urea, must be present in the sieving matrix in order to eliminate the conformation influence when doing analysis of PCR products.

A sieving buffer with an ultra-low viscosity was developed based on a HPMC polymer with a low molecular weight (1,000,000 g/mol). The viscosity of this sieving matrix is only about 10% of the viscosity of the conventional sieving matrices. The separation ability is satisfactory, and the highest efficiency (l,800,000 plates/m) was obtained in this sieving matrix. Ultra-low viscosity is one of the main advantages because this sieving matrix can be used in a microfabricated electrophorus device, for which conventional sieving matrices are not suitable. In addition, this sieving matrix enables an easy capillary fill-in and pump-out and also prevents the samples from being contaminated by the viscous buffer sticked on the capillary wall.

The third part of this dissertation mainly talked about the applications of the above sieving matrices on gene diagnosis of some inherited disease and infectious disease, and on molecular biology researches. First of all, mutation analysis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) gene was carried out by CE coupled with multi-PCR technique. Three patients who carried deletion mutations of DMD gene were diagnosed. The short tandem repeat (STR) alleles of the PAH gene were separated and characterized, and the polymorphism of the PAN STR alleles in 80 Chinese people including 6 phenylketonuria (PKU) family was analyzed. Family linkage analysis of some PKU families were carried out, and prenatal diagnosis of PKU was applied to one of the PKU family. Early diagnosis is important for the early treatment of infectious disease. Early diagnosis was done by direct detection of the PCR products amplified from several kinds of pathogens, such as Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, S streptococcus and Bacteroids Ureolyticus, etc. Our experiments showed that CE is a fast, convenient technique for such kind of diagnosis. The more important is that CE can correct the false negative result obtained by slab gel electrophoresis, and can identify different subtypes of pathogens, Detection of trace amount of PCR product is very important in practical works. PCR product amplified from 3-4 cells can be detected successfully in our study, which implies that this technique may be a latent method for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis, early detection of infectious disease, and prognosis of cancers.

Investigation of gene expression and gene alternative splicing by CE was earned out in this study by analyzing the RT-PCR products of the target gene, FMR1 gene, a gene leading to fragile X syndrome. The results showed that CE is a more advantageous technique over traditional techniques such as colonization method. At the same time, a method for fast quantitation of PCR products was developed. A more precise result for quantitation will be obtained within a single run.

Except the application of CE in gene analysis, it also has abundant applications on the determination of some small molecules, of which most of them are metabolic products or intermediate products. As an example, we examine the pteridine levels in human urine by CE-LIF. The results showed a very good correlation between pteridine levels and tumor disease. There was a significant enhancement in some kinds of pteridines excreted in urine by patients carrying malignant tumors. This may indicate that pteridines may be important tumor markers, and this CE-LIF method can be used in clinical laboratories either for cancer  monitoring or pre-cancer screening.

作者: 2007-5-18
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