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【摘要】  目的 通过检测绝经前后妇女血清瘦素、血钙、血磷、碱性磷酸酶,同时应用双能X线吸收法检测腰椎2~4( L2~4)骨密度,探讨血清瘦素与骨密度的关系。方法 120例妇女分为两组(绝经前组、绝经后组),每组60例。入选病例无代谢性疾病,未服影响骨代谢的药物,肝肾功能正常,在入选前,绝经后妇女未接受雌激素、二磷酸盐及钙剂治疗。对研究对象用双能X线骨密度仪测定腰椎2~4( L2~4)骨密度,同时空腹采静脉血2ml,离心取血清,进行血清瘦素浓度测试,血钙、血磷、碱性磷酶均使用生化方法进行检测。并同时测定身高、体重,按规定方法计算体重指数。结果 (1)血清瘦素绝经后组较绝经前组明显升高(P<0.001);(2)骨密度绝经后组较绝经前组明显降低(P<0.001);(3)血钙和体重指数在绝经前后未发现差别(P>0.05);(4)血磷和碱性磷酸酶绝经后组较绝经前组有所上升(P<0.05);(5)血清瘦素与骨密度呈负相关(r=-0.288,P<0.001)。结论 (1)血清碱性磷酸酶在绝经前后有所波动,可作为治疗的评价指标之一;(2)血清瘦素可作为影响骨密度含量的一个指标。

【关键词】  血清瘦素;骨密度;绝经前后妇女

The relationship of Leptin and bone mineral density in premenopausal and postmenopausal women

  YU Li, BI Li-fu, SU Xiu-lan.The 253rd Hospital of People’s Liberation Army, Huhhote 010050,China

   Objective Leptin, Ca2+, P- and ALP was detected. On the same time using DEXA to detect BMD. Then try to find out the relationship between leptin, Ca2+, P-, ALP and osteoporosis in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Methods 120 women were divided into 2 groups according to age.There were 60 females in each group (premenopausal group and postmenopausal group). None of the women had a history of metabolic bone disease, and none of them was taking any medication known to affect bone metabolism. They had normal hepatorenal function and were free from endocrine disturbances, diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders.There was no history of hypercalciuria or urolithiasis in either groupe. None of the selected postmenopausal women had been treated with hormone therapy, bisphosphonates or calcitonin before entry into the study. Bone mineral density was detected by Dual X-ray absorptiometry, blood was withdraw from the vein, then got the blood serum by using the centrifugation and detected the leptin and was detected the levels of Ca2+, P- and ALP using the biochemical assay. At the same time the height and the body weight of subjects were determined, then the body mass index was calculated. Results The serum leptin was significantly higher in postmenopausd group as compared with the premenopausd group (P<0.001). The bone mineral in density postmenopausd group was significantly lower than that in the premenopausd group (P<0.001). The serum calcium and the body mass index had no significant differences around the menopause (P>0.05). The levels of blood phosphorus and the alkaline phosphatase in postmenopausal group rised to some extent than that in the premenopausal group (P<0.05). The serum leptin and bone mineral density showed a negative correlation (r=-0.288,P<0.001).Conclusion (1)The blood serum alkaline phosphatase has the undulation around the menopause, may serve as an index of theraoeutic.(2)The serum leptin may play a role in bone mineral density.

  [Key words] leptin; bone mineral density; premenopausal and postmenopausal women


  1 资料与方法

  1.1 一般资料 120例妇女分为两组(绝经前组,年龄45~59岁;绝经后组,年龄65~80岁),每组60例。体重指数BMI ( body mass index ):绝经前组(22.22±3.39)kg/m2,月经周期正常;绝经后组(23.18±2.92)kg/m2 ,绝经5~15年。先后应用美国DPXL骨密度仪测定研究对象腰椎2~4( L2~4)骨密度,每次测量前进行仪器质量控制,重复测量的变异系数(CV)小于1%。骨密度:绝经前组(0.988±0.173)g/m2,绝经后组(0.839±0.068)g/m2。

  1.2 方法 入选对象禁食10~12h后,次日清晨空腹采静脉血2ml,离心(3000r/min)15min取上清液保存于-80℃冰箱待检。血清瘦素用ELISA(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)方法(使用美国瘦素试剂盒DSL-10-23100,严格按照盒内说明书操作步骤)、血生化(血清钙Ca2+、磷P-、碱性磷酸酶ALP)检测,按血清原定编号进行测试。

  1.3 统计学处理 所有检测的数据进行t检验

  2 结果

  2.1 两组骨密度的体重指数比较 骨密度绝经前组(0.988±0.173)g/m2,绝经后组(0.839±0.068)g/m2。 绝经后组骨密度值明显降低(P<0.001);体重指数:绝经前组(22.22±3.39)kg/m2,绝经后组(23.18±2.92)kg/m2 ,绝经前后无明显变化(P>0.05),见表1。表1 两组骨密度、体重指数比较

  2.2 两组血清瘦素浓度比较 绝经前组血清瘦素浓度(23.671±9.434)ng/ml,绝经后组血清瘦素浓度(39.656±18.978)ng/ml,绝经前后血清瘦素浓度值差异存在显著性(P<0.001),见表2。表2 两组血清瘦素浓度值注:t=5.842,P<0.001

  2.3 两组血钙、血磷、血碱性磷酸酶比较 血钙含量和体重指数在绝经前后未发现显著差异(P>0.05);血磷含量和碱性磷酸酶含量绝经后组较绝经前组有所上升(P<0.05)。 但血清钙 、血清磷、碱性磷酸酶检测值基本都在正常值范围之内,见表3。表3 两组血钙、血磷、血碱性磷酸酶比较

  3 讨论

  目前检测骨密度BMD(bone mineral density)的方法有许多种,其中DEXA方法是在70年代发展的X线分光光度测定法的基础上研制的,它的优点:(1)直接由X线发生器或X线射频滤波器产生两种不同能级的能量射束,因此所得到的是二维的数据图像资料,而且鉴于骨组织和软组织对这两种能量的吸收不同,通过两个能量接收器测量两种能量的衰减,可校正因软组织引起的测量误差。(2)DEXA不存在放射性核素衰变产生的系统误差,因此双能X线吸收测定法(DEXA) [1~3]已成为临床常规检查项目,具有敏感性高、精确性和准确性好、检查时间短、费用低、辐射性小和可进行全身骨扫描等优点,目前被公认是OP检查诊断的首选方法和金标准[4]。DEXA的一般检测部位常选前臂远端、全身、腰椎正侧位和股骨近端。因此,本实验均采用DEXA来检测腰椎的骨密度。结果显示和Riehelson[5]文献报道相符。血清瘦素水平升高,对骨形成抑制增强。

  瘦素(Leptin)来自希腊语“Leptos”。1994年底美国华人科学家张一影等[6]首次发现并克隆出肥胖基因(ob基因),其基因位于人类染色体7-q32[7],含3个外显子,2个内含子,是一种由167氨基酸组成的分泌型蛋白质,分子量为16kD,呈水溶性。在分泌入血液过程中,去除其中由21个氨基酸组成的N端信号肽而形成。主要由外周白色脂肪组织[8](white adipose tissue)产生,骨髓中的脂肪组织也可产生。



  瘦素引起骨密度下降的机制可能是瘦素通过血脑屏障作用于下丘脑中枢神经系统[13],通过信号转导通路JAK-STAT(just another kinase or Janus Kinase-signal transducers and activators of transcription)途径,从而抑制骨形成。




  血钙(Ca2+,Calcium )、磷(P-,Phosphorum )与骨骼中的钙、磷保持动态平衡,血钙、磷含量的测定能反映出骨组织的代谢情况。随着年龄的增加,肾功能下降,影响1,25-(OH)2D3的产生,使钙的吸收率下降,骨形成也随之下降,导致成骨与破骨失平衡[17],在本实验中发现,两组血清钙的改变只在其正常值附近的较小范围之内;两组血磷水平虽均在正常范围,但绝经后血磷水平较绝经前略高,考虑血磷水平与骨密度变化有关。

  碱性磷酸酶ALP(alkine phosphatase)是临床最常见的评价骨形成和骨转换的指标[18],对ALP定量测量可作为观察骨形成变化率有效的监测方法。本实验显示,绝经后ALP值升高明显,与绝经前ALP值相比差异有显著性,与Delmas[6]研究一致。


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作者: 于丽,毕力夫苏秀兰 2011-6-29
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