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  May 18, 2007 — 一项来自佛明罕后代试验的新研究结果显示,临床前失智症病患的初期,非健忘轻度认知受损相关的决策能力受损(MCI-EF)可能发生在失忆前;除此之外,核磁共振造影(MRI)上,见到的脑部结构变化可以早期区分出MCI-EF与健忘性MCI(MCI-A)。
  研究者麻州波士顿大学Rhoda Au博士向Medscape表示,在记忆力受损前,可能先发生决策能力的下降,但是因为这是个非常复杂且不容易发现的问题,这些个体可能不会察觉他们的记忆力正在下降。

Decline in Executive Functioning May Precede Memory Loss in Preclinical Dementia

By Caroline Cassels
Medscape Medical News

May 18, 2007 — New research from the Framingham Offspring Study suggests that impaired executive function associated with nonamnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI-EF) may precede memory loss in the earliest stages of preclinical dementia. Furthermore, structural brain changes visible on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can differentiate between MCI-EF and amnestic MCI (MCI-A) as early as middle age.

Presented here at the American Academy of Neurology 59th Annual Meeting, results from the National Institutes of Health–funded study showed smaller total cerebral brain volume (TCBV) in individuals with MCI under the age of 65 years was associated with a 2-fold increased risk for executive-function impairment compared with controls. However, no MRI measures reached significance for MCI-A among individuals in this age group.

Which Comes First?

"It may be that a decline in executive functioning precedes memory impairment, but because it is a more complex and subtle condition, individuals may not be as aware of it as they are of memory loss," study investigator Rhoda Au, PhD, from Boston University School of Medicine, in Massachusetts, told Medscape.

According to Dr. Au, to date, most of the research demonstrating a relationship between structural brain changes and cognitive impairment has been conducted in older individuals who are already experiencing clinical signs and symptoms of cognitive decline.

Traditionally MCI-EF has been associated with white-matter hyperintensities (WMH) thought to increase the risk for vascular dementia. On the other hand, MCI-A, which is widely considered to be a prodrome of Alzheimer's disease (AD), is characterized by smaller hippocampal volume.

To determine whether MRI measures can distinguish between MCI-A and MCI-EF in middle-aged, nondemented individuals, 1850 healthy subjects from the Framingham Offspring Study underwent brain MRI and neuropsychological testing.

Neuropsychological screening defined a non-MCI control group of 1602 subjects with no memory or executive-function deficits. Of the remaining subjects, 115 had MCI-A and 133 had MCI-EF. Impairment for each factor was defined as 1.5 standard deviation below age-, sex-, and education-adjusted group means.

Early-Intervention Opportunity

Brain MRI measures, which included TCBV, WMH, and hippocampal brain volume (HBV), were then related to study subjects with prevalent MCI who were divided by age into 2 groups — those older and those younger than 65 years.

"Our results for those 65 years and older are consistent with what other studies find," said Dr. Au. "Compared with those without MCI, smaller TCBV was found for both MCI subtypes. Further, those with memory impairments were nearly twice as likely to have smaller hippocampal volume. In contrast, those with executive-function deficits were almost 3 times more likely to have large WMH."

In fact, the researchers report that study subjects with extensive WMH volume had a 5-fold increased risk for MCI-EF vs MCI-A among older individuals.

The significance of this study was that MRI markers extended to those who were under age 65 years. Compared with controls, those with executive-function deficits were 50% more likely to have smaller TCBV, whereas no MRI measures reached significance for the group with memory impairments.

According to Dr. Au, the investigators will continue to follow the cohort to determine which subjects will progress to dementia. Although still in its initial stages, this research may eventually help identify patients in the earliest, preclinical stages of cognitive decline, providing clinicians with the opportunity to effectively treat and perhaps eventually prevent dementia.

American Academy of Neurology 59th Annual Meeting: Abstract S01.006. April 28 – May 5, 2007.

作者: Caroline Cassels 2007-6-16
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