

来源:中华检验医学杂志2007年 30卷 8期

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Objective To establish an international reference materials for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) immunoassay in China. Methods The candidate sample were HBsAg positive and diluted in HBV-negative human plasma. The sample were then lyophilised with a concentration of approximately 40 IU/ml. ECLA, CIA and ELISA were used for quantification with international standard( NIBSC cede:96/ 790) from NIBSC as calibrator. Results The titer of this lyophilised preparation is (33.42 ±2.66) IU/ml after calibration with the International Standard for HBsAg 00/588. The stability test indicate that the sample were stable at room temperature(20 - 25℃ ) for 4 weeks and at 37℃ for at least 2 week. Long-term stability was observed at 2 - 8℃ for 1 year and at - 20℃ for more than 1 year. There is no significant difference between vial-to-vial. Conclusion The lyophilized sample is established as the first national standard for immunoassay for HBsAg in China.

Key words:

Hepatitis B surface antigen; Reference standards HBV

作者: 王露楠邓… 2009-2-21
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